全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 冲浪
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 蓝色, 黄色


Homeslice在Paddlesports Retailer展会上赢得了最佳白水船的称号!

复古冰激凌革命正在全面展开。 我们为您带来了Party Braaap和Mullet,开始了这一切。现在是时候介绍我们的翻车、喷水、飞溅、冲浪、流动机器--家家乐。我们用我们超过25年的滑翔艇经验,不仅创造了一个你可以尽情抛洒的船,而且创造了一个你可以整天划动的低容量皮划艇,可能还穿着鞋子。无论你是想利用充分的发挥潜力,在洞里打转,雕刻起波浪,还是在整个河流的涡流线、缝隙和岩石中创造你自己的路线,你的Homeslice都会支持你。

方形船尾的设计源于LL的第一艘自由泳船Session,方形创造了一个更快的雕刻工艺,并改善了波浪上的松散性。从那里,船体设计有一个全新的渐进式摇杆,座位后面有一个轻微的踢脚,导致船尾的V型船体,以协助硬雕刻和容易旋转的启动。 我们也从多年的小船设计中了解到,现在是时候制作一个舒适的滑行皮艇了。Homeslice有一个更高更窄的符合人体工程学的膝盖位置和足够的脚部空间,大多数人在交换末端时都能穿鞋。



The Homeslice takes the win for best whitewater boat at Paddlesports Retailer!

The Retro-Slice revolution is in full swing. We brought you the Party Braaap and Mullet to start it all. Now it’s time to introduce our cartwheel, squirt, splat, surf, flow machine, the Homeslice. We have taken our more than 25 years of slicey boat experience to not only create a boat that you can throw around to your heart’s content but a low volume kayak that you can paddle all day, probably in shoes. Whether you want to take advantage of the full play potential wheeling in holes and carving up waves or create your own course through the eddy lines, seams, and rocks along the entire river your Homeslice will have your back.

The square ended design is spawned from LL’s first freestyle boat, the Session, The squareness creates a faster carving craft and improves looseness on a wave. From there the hull design has an all new progressive rocker with a slight kick behind the seat leading into a stern V-hull to assist in the hard carving and easy spin initiation. What we also learned from all years of small boat design is that it’s time to make a comfortable slicey kayak. The Homeslice has a higher more narrow ergonomic knee position and enough foot room that most people will be able to wear shoes while swapping ends.

"I almost forgot how fun this style of paddling can be! I love using all the eddie lines, seams, waves, and holes to play and work my way down the river. First things first I could get in with low profile shoes! Second thing is that it wants to be vertical! The Homeslice loves to stall on the bow and stern.