全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 探险
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人



‘Cetus’是作为装载载体被设计的一个快速的巡洋舰。 它成为了寻找一个稳定的远征平台或快速的桨手的自然选择,容易对长途桨的明轮船。 然而它虽则不是长的旅行的仅一条小船,作为一个斋戒日巡洋舰是平等地一样可胜任的使用的它。 Cetus看我们戏耍与十年前概念的复活: 在容易的伸手可及的距离的第四个舱口盖在您的驾驶舱前面。 它证明越来越受欢迎想要某处快和容易达到存放照相机或天齿轮的桨手,当事得到更加粗砺时。

对于2011调整原始的Cetus创造新的Cetus HV。 容量在某些区域被增加,被重新分配了并且平衡给更大的桨手更多膝盖和脚室以增加的运载量。 这也允许我们优化位子位置改进跟踪和给更加中立和更加可预测处理。


The boat for getting out there and getting away from it all!

The 'Cetus' is a fast cruiser designed as a load carrier. It has become the natural choice for paddlers looking for a stable expedition platform or a fast, easy to paddle boat for long distance paddles. However it's not just a boat for long trips though, it's equally as capable being used as a fast day cruiser. The Cetus sees a resurrection of a concept we were playing around with ten years ago: the fourth hatch in easy reach in front of your cockpit. It's proving more and more popular with paddlers who want somewhere quick and easy to reach to stow a camera or day gear when things are getting a bit rougher.

For 2011 the original Cetus has been adjusted to create the new Cetus HV. Volume has been increased, redistributed and balanced in certain areas to give larger paddlers more knee and foot room with an increased carrying capacity. This has also allowed us to fine tune the seat position to improve tracking and give more neutral and predictable handling.