全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼, 冲浪
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 绿色
    长度x宽度 355.6 cm(140 in)x81.2 cm(31.97 in)
    重量 38.6 kg(85.1 lb)
    最大板重 170 kg(375 lb)


Lifetime Stealth Pro™ Angler专为在市场上寻找 "最佳渔获 "的严肃的钓鱼者设计和设计,将为您提供一个经济实惠而又全面的钓鱼皮艇。可调节的座椅系统是舒适的,高度透气的,快速干燥的。它允许三种设置;高位用于积极的捕鱼模式,低位用于划船,以及当你想回避和放松时的躺椅。我们的可调节脚撑让你可以进一步调整你的舒适度,以便轻松地进行划船。Stealth Pro™的长度为11'8",拥有375磅的承重能力,由组合式隧道船体组成,旨在积极地划过水面,同时逐渐过渡到隧道船体的跟踪性能。隧道式船体还为钓鱼和站立式抛投提供了最大的初始稳定性。六个线性英尺的可定制的通用轨道允许你添加各种配件,以个人定制你的皮划艇。Stealth Pro™是真正的钓鱼准备,在座位后面有2个嵌入式鱼竿架,2个Flambeau鱼具箱,在座位旁边有内置的插槽,可以存放你最喜欢的鱼饵,以及2个倾斜的鱼竿存储支架,在船头有一个弹力棒尖保护器。七个自舀式排水孔被整合到甲板通道排水系统中,以迅速排出多余的水。坚固的船头和船尾把手以及皮划艇两侧的两个行李箱式把手,使搬运不成问题。水箱是专门为容纳牛奶箱或水桶而设计的,可调节的蹦极系带系统使你能够最大限度地利用你的存储区域。


Designed and engineered for the serious angler fishing for the “best catch” in the market, the Lifetime Stealth Pro™ Angler will provide you with an affordable yet fully loaded fishing kayak. The adjustable seating system is comfortable, highly breathable, and fast drying. It allows for three settings; high for active fishing mode, low for paddling, and reclining for when you want to kick back and relax. Our adjustable foot braces allow you to further dial in your comfort level for paddling with ease. At 11'8" in length and boasting 375 lb. of weight capacity, the Stealth Pro™ consists of a Combination Tunnel Hull which is designed to aggressively cut through the water while gradually transitioning into a tunnel hull for tracking performance. The tunnel hull also provides maximum initial stability for fishing and stand-up casting. Six linear feet of customizable universal track allows you to add a variety of accessories to personally tailor your kayak. The Stealth Pro™ is truly fishing ready right out of the box with 2 Flush Mount Rod Holders behind the seat, 2 Flambeau Tackle Boxes with built in slots next to the seat to stash your favorite lures, and 2 angled rod storage cradles with a bungee rod tip protector at the bow. Seven self-bailing scupper holes are integrated into a deck channel draining system to quickly shed excess water. Portage is not a problem with sturdy molded-in bow and stern handles and two luggage style handles on either side of the kayak. The tankwell was specifically designed to accommodate a milk crate or bucket and the adjustable bungee lacing system allows you to maximize the use of your storage area.