全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 冲浪
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 复合材料
    颜色 蓝色
    长度x宽度 5.2 m(17'00" )x52 cm(20.47 in)
    重量 8.5 kg, 11 kg, 12.5 kg(18.74 lb, 24.25 lb, 27.56 lb)
    最大板重 75 kg, 90 kg(165 lb, 198 lb)


进入并出发 那么,你是否知道如何划水,已经尝试过第一次冲浪,而海洋对你的要求更高?520是适合每一个真正想进入冲浪运动的人的船。和560一样,520更容易顺风,但也容易在平地上快速划动。有了新的侧把手,它使携带变得非常容易。对于所有在各种水况下追求舒适和速度的人来说,这是一个完美的选择。由于它的尺寸,滑雪板的可操作性更好,因为改变方向和冲浪变得更容易;重量可以保持,同时建立一个更硬的滑雪板,最后但并非不重要,因为运输法规变得更严格,一个更短的滑雪板可以毫无问题地在普通汽车车顶架上运输。


GET IN AND GO So do you know how to paddle, already try to surf your first waves and the ocean asks for more from you? The 520 is the right a boat for every person who really wants to get into the sport of surfski. Like the 560, the 520 is easier to do downwind but also easy to paddle quickly on flat water. With the new side handles, it makes the carrying very easy. Perfect for all who looks comfort and speed in all water conditions. Due to its dimensions the maneuverability of the ski is better as changing direction and surfing waves becomes easier; the weight can be maintained whilst building a stiffer ski and for last but not less important as transport regulations become stricter one shorter ski can be transported without problem on a normal car roof rack.