全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人


伟大的渔皮船的下一代。 立场,坐,用浆划,杆、马达、拖钓、浮游物…深水礁石、沿海舱内甲板、河和池塘。 这条小船做它全部!

以给予专利的舷外架为特色和自由12一样,这艘皮船提供根据程度的三个舷外架位置效率和稳定。 它用浆划象在位置一的一艘常规皮船。 站立的渔和第三个位置的位置二提议最大稳定提供效率的poling或开汽车的混合和稳定。 这条小船以更长的用浆划的旅行的最高性能为特色,并且增加的freeboard和朝上梳的弓使开创者干燥在最富挑战性的开阔水域渔条件。

标准性能包括: 内部干储存、熔铸的括号、甲板排水孔、2棒子架、高任意马达的后座和插入物登上。 站立或坐…世界的最佳的站立的皮船是最好现在坐下皮船。


The next generation of great fishing kayaks. Stand, sit, paddle, pole, motor, troll, float… deep water reefs, coastal flats, rivers and ponds. This boat does it all!

Featuring the same patented outrigger as the Freedom 12, this kayak offers three outrigger positions based on degrees of efficiency and stability. It paddles like a conventional kayak in position one. Position two offers maximum stability for standup fishing and the third position offers a blend of efficiency and stability for poling or motoring. This boat features maximum performance for longer paddling trips and the added freeboard and upswept bow make the Pathfinder dry in the most challenging open water fishing conditions.

Standard features include: Internal dry storage, casting brace, scuppers, 2 rod holders, high back seat, and inserts for optional motor mount. Stand or sit…the world’s best stand–up kayak is now the best sit down kayak as well.