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稳定的性能坐在顶部皮艇与模块化独奏/串联组合。 龙舌兰酒! GTX 为休闲皮划艇提供了一个新的创新水平。

龙舌兰酒! GTX 为休闲皮划艇提供了一个新的创新水平。 由屡获殊荣的设计工程师马格努斯德布里托创建, 点 65 推出龙舌兰酒! 一款有趣、多功能和高性能的皮划艇,由于其模块化,非常容易携带、储存和运输。 革命性的独奏或串联组合是您期待的解决方案。 65 点 Snap-Tap 技术受到美国和欧洲专利的保护。

性能皮划艇与其新的跟踪龙舌兰酒! GTX 桨直如箭头。 凭借 Point 65 的创新专利 Snap-Tap 解决方案,单人座可以在几秒钟内完成拆分并重新组装,使皮艇安全、稳定和坚固,使其成为目前市场上最轻巧的皮艇。 龙舌兰酒! 是一款刚性高性能皮艇,您可以随身携带微笑,放在大多数汽车内,并存放在床底下。

随着可选的中段龙舌兰酒! GTX 独奏可以转化为串联皮划艇。 请看龙舌兰酒! 此选项的 GTX 串联


Stable performance sit-on-top kayak with modular solo/tandem combination. THE TEQUILA! GTX offers a new level of innovation for recreational kayaks.

THE TEQUILA! GTX offers a new level of innovation for recreational kayaks. Created by award-winning design engineer Magnus de Brito, Point 65 launches the Tequila! A fun, versatile and high-performance kayak that, due to its modularity, is exceptionally easy to carry, store, and haul. The revolutionary solo or tandem combination is the solution you were waiting for. The Point 65 Snap-TAP technologies are protected under US and European patents.

PERFORMANCE KAYAKING With its new tracking keel the Tequila! GTX paddles straight as an arrow. With Point 65 ́s innovative patented Snap-Tap solution, the single-seater snaps apart and re-assembles in seconds for a kayak that is safe, stable, and strong making it by far the most lightweight kayak on the market. The Tequila! is a rigid high-performance kayak that you can carry with a smile on your face, put inside most cars, and store under your bed.

With the optional mid section the Tequila! GTX solo can be transformed to a tandem kayak. Please see Tequila! GTX Tandem for this option