全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 探险, 钓鱼
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    长度x宽度 11'00" (3.35 m)x34 in


HO Sports的Scout 11'皮划艇融合了坚固的轻量级设计和功能性特点及配件,是单日或多日冒险的完美充气皮划艇。它的11'长度提高了那些寻求快速转弯的皮划艇的可操作性。Scout的高性能设计得到了ArmorShark加强型侧囊的支持,加强了强度和刚度。超强加固的船头和船尾延长了皮划艇的使用寿命,即使是在最艰难的冒险中。它的防水皮肤可以防止吸水,加快干燥时间。 它是完全可充气的,使其超级紧凑,便于储存和运输。侦察兵的3个充气室使充气/放气变得轻而易举,而RIGID Drop-Stitch地板不会像某些充气皮艇那样弯曲或折叠。 有2个弹力储存区和一个开放的顶部设计,你将有足够的空间来存放你的所有装备。侦察兵配备了阿特拉斯可调节的2片式桨,符合人体工程学的高背座椅,带有储物袋和内置鱼竿架,一个手泵和背包。用HO Sports的Scout皮艇开始你的探险之旅吧。

- ArmorShark加固的侧水囊,增加了强度和硬度

- 超强化的船头和船尾

- 防水外皮--光滑的防水外皮使其几乎不吸水,干燥时间更快

- 3个充气室:易于充气/放气,便于紧凑的储存和运输

- 刚性的落地缝制地板:卓越的性能和便携性

- 焊接的防水布底座:增加耐用性和性能。

- 杠杆锁鳍:易于使用,不需要工具。提供强大的跟踪能力



With its blend of a rugged lightweight design and functional features and accessories, the Scout 11’ Kayak from HO Sports is the perfect inflatable kayak for single or multi-day adventures. It’s 11’ length enhances maneuverability for those looking for a quicker turning kayak. The Scout’s high-performance design is bolstered by its ArmorShark reinforced side bladders, reinforced for added strength and rigidity. The Ultra-Reinforced Bow and Stern extend the kayaks life for even the most hard charging adventures. It’s waterproof Skin protect from water absorption and speed up dry time. It’s fully inflatable, making it super compact for simple storage and transport. The Scout’s 3 inflation chambers make inflation/deflation a snap while the RIGID Drop-Stitch floor won’t bend or fold like some inflatable kayaks. With 2 bungee storage zones and an open top design, you will have ample room for all your gear. The Scout comes with an Atlas adjustable 2-piece paddle, an ergonomic high-back seat with storage pocket and built-in fishing rod holders, a hand pump and backpack. Start your expedition with the Scout Kayak from HO Sports.

• - ArmorShark Reinforced Side Bladders for added strength and rigidity

• - Ultra-Reinforced bow and stern

• - Waterproof Skin – slick, waterproof outer skin makes for virtually no water absorption and quicker dry time

• - 3 inflation chambers: Easy to inflate/deflate for compact storage and transport

• - Rigid Drop-Stitch floor: Superior performance and portability

• - Welded Tarpaulin Base: Added durability and performance.

• - Lever-lock Fin: Easy to use, no tools required. Provides great tracking

• - Front Skeg: Additional tracking assistance