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辅助救援船SAR (功能强大,系统先进)


除...舰外,DSME 还为海...行动建造各种辅助船和特种船。1996 年建造的韩国第一艘辅助潜艇救援(ASR)舰 "清海津 "号配备了先进的系统,如包括深潜器在内的先进深潜系统、救援设备和直升机停机坪。

DSME 完成了为大韩民国海...建造的第一艘 ATS-II 打捞和救援船的建造工作,该船配备了动态定位系统。ATS-II 打捞船的设计可将重达 400 吨的沉船打捞上来。它们还可以拖曳 14500 吨级的船只。设备包括一个遥控潜水器,能够搜索到 3,000 米的深度。

此外,2017 年,DSME 成功为大韩民国海...开发了一艘 5200 吨级的新型辅助潜艇救援船(或 ASR-II)的基本设计。该舰旨在加强目前由一艘 "Chonghaejin "级 ASR 潜艇救援舰所代表的能力。现在,DSME 计划进入下一阶段,即开发该船的系统,并在 2022 年之前向韩国海...交付该船。

在国际市场上,大连造船厂已向外国海...出口了辅助舰艇,包括马来西亚海...的训练舰。此外,在为英国皇家舰队辅助船队建造 4 艘排水量为 37000 吨的双壳补给油轮的国际竞争中,帝斯曼赢得了胜利。这是英国...部首次进行海外采购。DSME 不断努力扩大其在后勤支援船市场的份额。因此,帝斯曼为挪威...部建造了一艘新的后勤支援船。


In addition to warships, DSME builds various support vessels for naval operations and specialty vessels. Korea's first auxiliary submarine rescue (ASR) ship, "Chonghaejin," which was built in 1996 is equipped with state-of-the-art systems such as a sophisticated deep dive system including a deep submersible vehicle, rescue equipment, and a helipad.

DSME finalized the construction of the first ATS-II salvage and rescue ship for the Republic of Korea Navy which is equipped with a dynamic positioning system. The ATS-II salvage ships have been designed to raise sunken vessels of up to 400 tonnes. They can also tow 14,500-tonne ships. Equipment includes a remotely operated vehicle capable of searching to a depth of 3,000 m.

Further, in 2017 DSME successfully developed the basic design for a new 5,200-tonne auxiliary submarine rescue ship, or ASR-II, for the Republic of Korea Navy. The vessel is intended to strengthen capabilities currently represented by one "Chonghaejin" class ASR submarine rescue ship. Now DSME plans to move on to the next stage, which is to develop the ship’s systems and deliver the vessel to the Korean navy by 2022.

In the international market, DSME has exported auxiliary vessels to foreign navies, including training vessels for the Malaysian navy. Also, DSME won an international competition for four 37,000-tonne displacement double-hulled replenishment tankers for the UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary. It was the first ever overseas acquisition by the UK Ministry of Defence. DSME is continuously trying to expand its market share in the logistics support ship market. As a result, a new logistics support ship was built for the Norwegian MOD by DSME.