全国: | 上海:
83米GL级救援船 (SAR)

    分级 GL
    长度x宽度 83 m(272'03" )x16 m(52'05" )
    吃水深度 4.3 m(14'01" )
    位置 3,246 t(3,578 us ton)
    速度 最少: 11 kt
    速度 最多: 13 kt
    乘客人数 30 unit
    船员人数 60 unit



该船的设计符合 DNV GL 等级(A)STEALTH 符号规定的起重条件下的水下噪声排放要求。

根据 LRS DP(AM) 级符号的规定,该船的动态定位系统符合 IMO DP 1 级的要求。

该船的设计符合 LRS 冰级 1C FS 符号的要求,可在南极夏季的轻冰条件下(0.4 米)航行。


Designed to develop missions in the fields of Oceanography, Hydrography and Geophysics, protection of human life at sea, support for navigation aids, humanitarian assistance, logistical support and protection of the marine environment.

The vessel is designed to comply with underwater noise emission requirements under lifting conditions, as specified for the DNV GL class (A) STEALTH notation.

The ship is designed with a dynamic positioning system that meets the requirements of IMO DP Class 1, as per the LRS DP(AM) class notation.

The ship is designed to meet the requirements of the LRS Ice Class 1C FS notation for sailing in light ice conditions (0,4 m) during the Antarctic summer.