全国: | 上海:
    类型 驳船
    长度 最少: 28 m (91'10")
    长度 最多: 80 m (262'05")




Flat Top Barge, Pontoon Flat Top Barge, Pontoon is designed for all kind of operations, and build beyond the Class requirements. Flat Top Barge, Pontoon designed and built for Oil Spill Operations, RoRo Operation LINKSPAN, lighterage, ferrying, transport of cargo in her deck or inside the tanks and construction materials. Design of Flat Top Barge, Poonton, we are working with the best designers in the world because of that Flat Top Barge, Pontoon has an excellent capacity to carry and stability and also for production you will see our quality, standards, and differences. After we delivered vessels, you will see the same performance and quality years and years later not changed, there is one reason to catch the performance and quality, We don’t choose cheap products, choose the best material and products for building the vessel, and also choose the best workers, engineers