全国: | 上海:
    类型 驳船, 支线
    长度x宽度 40 m (131'02")x20 m (65'07")
    驾驶室 6 unit
    装载容量 790 m³ (27,899 ft³)


Nova 混凝土可以选择两个基本船体,包括混凝土或铝筒仓,以及提供灵活的内饰解决方案的上层结构。 作为起点,主甲板上的整个结构由混凝土制成,以增加强度,而宽的甲板使得可以将分配阀拉回到甲板上以进行保护。 最多可以添加两层木材层,用作居住和办公场所。

驳船提供宽阔的楼梯-一路从生活住宿到下层甲板。 它有钢门到露天和坚实的内部门。 可为储藏室提供冷却端口。 下层甲板(0 号甲板)设有大型储物区,并设有健身室。 船头还有一个大型储藏室和网络柜,以及柴油、水箱和污水处理解决方案的空间。 中央部分包括 6 或 8 个筒仓,取决于船体大小,带岸连接变压器、带主配电板的技术室以及用于控制船尾喂料系统的机柜。 船尾还设有鼓风机室、发电机室以及装入水箱的空间。 因此,所有嘈杂的组件都尽可能远离生活区。


Nova Concrete can be supplied in a choice of two basic hulls with concrete or aluminium silos and a superstructure offering flexible interior solutions. As a starting point, the entire structure on the main deck is made of concrete for increased strength, and the wide deck makes it possible to retract the distributing valves on to the deck for protection. Up to two timber storeys can be added on top of this, for use as living and office accommodation.

The barge is delivered with wide stairs – all the way from the living accommodation down to the lower deck. It has steel doors to the open air and solid internal doors. Cooling ports can be supplied for the storeroom. The lower deck (deck 0) contains a large storage area and there is scope for a fitness room. There is also a large storeroom and network cabinet in the bow, as well as space for diesel and water tanks and a sewage treatment solution. The central section comprises 6 or 8 silos, depending on hull size, with a shore connection transformer, technical room with main switchboards and cabinet for control of feeding system in the stern. There is also a blower room, generator room and space for ensilage tanks in the stern. All noisy components are therefore positioned as far as possible from the living quarters.