全国: | 上海:
    其他特性 Ice-class
    长度 26 m, 30 m, 40 m, 55 m (85'03")


MARPOL大会是海洋环境的污染的主要国际大会覆盖物预防乘从操作或偶然原因的船。它分别为校正采取在1973年和1978年和多年来更新的两个条约的组合。大会包括章程瞄准的防止,并且从船的使减到最小的污染–偶然污染和那个从常规工作–,并且当前,由油包括污染的预防的六个技术Annexes.MARPOL 73/78 Annex I章程和污染的预防的石油主导的废物(舱底、烂泥、外衣,废油、被污染的石碴等等) MARPOL 73/78附录IV章程由污水和wastewater.MARPOL 73/78污染的预防的附录v章程由垃圾和垃圾。政府对于MARPOL 73/78附录是必需的保证充分招待会设施在口岸和终端供应IV,MARPOL 73/78要求的V.Mavi Deniz设计独特的MARPOL CAT废弃物收集船的招待会能从(其他船包括乘客、巡洋舰船、货轮和油/化学制品罐车)日以继夜收集废物和节省时间,当等在定住,在bunkering期间或处理废物时。


The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. It is a combination of two treaties adopted in 1973 and 1978 respectively and updated by amendments through the years.The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships – both accidental pollution and that from routine operations – and currently, includes six technical Annexes.MARPOL 73/78 Annex I Regulations for the prevention of pollution by Oil and petroleum-driven wastes ( Bilge, Sludge, Slop, Waste oil, Polluted ballast, etc.)MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage and wastewater.MARPOL 73/78 Annex V Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage and trash. Governments are required to ensure the provision of adequate reception facilities at ports and terminals for the reception of MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV, V.Mavi Deniz design unique MARPOL CAT waste collection vessel for MARPOL 73/78 requirements to collect wastes from (other ships includes Passenger, Cruiser Ships, Cargo Vessels and Oil/Chemical Tankers) round the clock and time saving while waiting at anchorage, during bunkering or just for disposing of waste.