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    类型 天然气运输船, 丁烷运输
    长度 164 m (538'00")


MEYER WERFT在1961年交付了它的第一艘气体运输船。KIRSTEN THOLSTRUP号长度为60米,货舱容积为900立方米,以今天的标准来看是比较小的。但它为船厂开辟了一个全新的业务领域,因为此后在帕彭堡为德国、荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、英国和俄罗斯的航运公司建造了天然气油轮。在20世纪90年代,全世界大约20%的天然气运输船来自帕彭堡。


我们的三个船厂长期以来一直被认为是建造运输液化石油气、液化天然气和化学品的油轮的专家。在芬兰的MEYER WERFT、NEPTUN WERFT和MEYER TURKU已经建造了超过50艘油轮。在MEYER WERFT建造的最大的天然气油轮--DONAU号,货量为30,000立方米。我们在2013年向荷兰航运公司Anthony Veder交付了CORAL ENERGY号,并在2018年交付了CORAL ENERGICE号。这些气体运输船配备了环保的双燃料发动机,这是一种创新的驱动系统,可以将运输的液化石油气作为燃料使用。这导致了极低的排放,使近164米长的


MEYER WERFT delivered its first gas tanker in 1961. At 60 metres in length and with 900 cubic metres of cargo volume, the KIRSTEN THOLSTRUP was relatively small by today’s standards. But it opened up a whole new business area for the shipyard, as gas tankers have since been built in Papenburg for German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, British and Russian shipping companies. In the 1990s, around 20% of the world’s gas transportation vessels came from Papenburg.

Gases are best transported as a liquid, and this state is achieved through cooling or compression. That’s why lots of complex technology has to be installed in the hull of the floating giants: robust tanks in which the liquid cargo can be cooled down or pressurised, cooling and heating systems, loading pumps and tank cleaning systems. When combined with the extensive piping systems, they transform the ships into floating chemical plants.

Our three shipyards have long been regarded as specialists in the construction of tankers for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas and chemicals. Well over 50 tankers have already been built at MEYER WERFT, NEPTUN WERFT and MEYER TURKU in Finland. The largest gas tanker constructed at MEYER WERFT – the DONAU – has a cargo volume of 30,000 cubic metres. We delivered the CORAL ENERGY to the Dutch shipping company Anthony Veder in 2013 and followed this up with the CORAL ENERGICE in 2018: These gas tankers are fitted with environmentally friendly dual-fuel engines, an innovative drive system that allows the transported LPG to be used as fuel. This results in extremely low emissions, making the almost 164-metre-long