全国: | 上海:
    用途 钓鱼
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱
    船体类型 半排水体
    其他特性 定制
    长度x宽度 29.9 m (98'01")x6.3 m (20'08")
    吃水深度 1.7 m (5'06")
    总吨位 143 t (157.6 us ton)
    巡航速度 16 kt
    最大速度 21 kt
    燃料容量 21,840 l (5,770 gal)
    淡水容量 5,110 l (1,350 gal)


在LADY PAT上,人们很快就能体验到舒适的优雅,使用柔和的鼠尾草和奶油色,与凹陷的镶板樱桃、桃花心木木板地板和黑色花岗岩装饰物完美地融合。LADY PAT有一个全梁的主人套房和两个客舱,邀请他的客人放松并享受这艘特殊游艇所提供的一切。

户外空间同样令人难以置信。完美整合的驾驶舱提供了一个接近大海的户外区域,并可轻松进入水中。LADY PAT还配备了所有有趣和成功的深海捕鱼所需的基本装备。她的飞桥空间由一个完整的硬顶保护,同时提供360度的海景。


Aboard LADY PAT one quickly experiences comfortable elegance throughout, using soothing, gentle tones of soft sage and cream that blend beautifully with the recessed paneled cherry, mahogany planked floors and black granite accents used throughout. With a full beam owner’s suite and two guest stateroom, LADY PAT invites he guests to relax and enjoy all this exceptional yacht has to offer.

The outdoor spaces are equally incredible. The perfectly integrated cockpit provides an outdoor area that is close to the sea and with easy access to the water. LADY PAT is also equipped with all the essential accoutrements required for fun and successful deep-sea fishing. Her flybridge space is protected by a full hardtop while offering 360 degree views of the sea.