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开放式IPS POD快速巡游机动游艇(设计高级内部豪华优雅)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 开放式
    船舱数量 3舱, 2舱
    床位数量 6铺位, 4铺位
    材料 未指定
    长度x宽度 15.64 m (51'03")x4.3 m (14'01")
    吃水深度 1.17 m (3'10")
    巡航速度 33 kt
    最大速度 34 kt
    访客人数 16 人
    燃料容量 1,309 l (346 gal)
    淡水容量 482 l (127 gal)


当你有一个新的机动游艇系列时,你希望全世界都能感受到它们是多么令人惊叹的美丽。介绍一下Targa 50 OPEN,这是我们新的50英尺系列中的两艘Targa之一,它们都有冒险精神。

当然,Targa 50 OPEN是为速度和全面的刺激而建造的。它的外观是一个赠品,尤其是它那令人头疼的黑灰色屋顶。在内部,甚至更多的豪华在等待着。美丽的意大利皮革。仔细考虑过的高低层照明系统。在主舱中,有一个令人惊叹的特色床头板。正是这些低调的和不那么低调的装饰,使Targa 50 OPEN与众不同。

你可以依靠Targa 50 OPEN将你迅速带到下一个目的地,其令人印象深刻的性能和机动性都归功于其双沃尔沃IPS 600、650或700发动机。但还有更多值得期待的东西--我们的高级套装选项--其规格包括高容量空调、潜水洗浴平台、蓝牙音频系统、舵手处的12英寸触摸屏显示器和外部氛围灯。





When you have a new range of motor yachts, you want the world to experience just how stunningly beautiful they are. Introducing the Targa 50 OPEN, one of two Targa’s in our new 50ft range, that each have the spirit of adventure in their hearts.

Of course, the Targa 50 OPEN is built for speed and all-out thrills. The exterior looks are a giveaway especially with its head-turning anthracite roof. On the inside, even more luxury awaits. Beautiful Italian leather. Carefully considered high and low-level lighting to cabins. And in the master cabin, a stunning feature headboard. It’s these understated, and not so understated touches, that set the Targa 50 OPEN apart.

You can rely on the Targa 50 OPEN to take you to your next destination rapidly, with its impressive performance and manoeuvrability all down to its twin Volvo IPS 600, 650 or 700 engines. But there is even more to look forward to – our Premium Pack option – with specifications including high capacity air conditioning, submersible bathing platform, Bluetooth audio system, a 12” touchscreen display at the helm and exterior mood lighting.

Interior décor

A colour palette where land meets the sea, effortlessly combined with rich natural textures.

Whether you choose a scheme that exudes sunny warmth synonymous with fragrant Italian lemon trees, or an ode to the sea where all manner of deep, oceanic blues tastefully swirl with muted greys; you are sure to discover an interior design collection that evokes charm and elegance.