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宽敞舒适内饰温馨的飞桥IPS POD巡游机动游艇(玻璃侧面开口设计明亮通风)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 4舱
    床位数量 7舱位
    长度x宽度 21.04 m (69'00")x5.1 m (16'08")
    吃水深度 1.7 m (5'06")
    访客人数 14 人
    燃料容量 3,200 l (845 gal)
    淡水容量 1,000 l (264 gal)


游艇FLY 68鸥翼系列飞桥线。一个新的革命性的挑战!来发现新的Sessa Marine游艇旗舰,这艘船具有强烈的个性和独特的风格,将改变21米的游艇领域。两个独创的玻璃侧面开口,让人想起几只海鸥的翅膀,是这艘船的主要优势之一。它们有一个实用和创新的开放系统,最大限度地提高了主甲板的亮度和通风性。这个概念,绝对是来自汽车行业的灵感,进一步加强了新飞68鸥翼的现代,技术设计和粗犷的气质。这艘游艇是空间和运动性的完美结合,它拥有的Fly原来是同尺寸中最宽敞的游艇之一,再加上惊人的航海技术。


得益于其定制化的理念,C68可以按照客户的意愿赋予其个性。为了让船主在装修和装饰方面做出最明智的选择,SESSA MARINE和其内部设计师创造了不同的环境,注重色彩的和谐,木材的品种,并在船舱内设置了各种装饰织物。



Yacht FLY 68 Gullwing range Flybridge Line. A new revolutionary challenge! Come to discover the new Sessa Marine Yacht Flagship, a boat with a strong personality and a unique style which will change the Yacht segment of 21 meters. The two original glass side openings that remind a couple of gull wings, are ones of the main strength points of this boat. They have a practical and innovative opening system that maximizes the brightness and airiness of the main deck.The concept, definitely inspired from the automotive sector, further strengthens the modern, technological design and gritty temperament of the new Fly 68 Gullwing. A perfect mix of space and sportiness, this yacht boasts a Fly that turns out to be one of the most spacious of its size, combined with amazing sailing skill.

The front sundeck, designed for maximum comfort even when navigating , offers two lounge chairs and a cover for shade from the sun. Spacious and richly furbished (convertible sofa to increase the size of the sundeck, BBQ, vast teak table...), the cockpit cries out for relaxation and festivity.

Thanks to its philosophy of customisation, the C68 takes on the personality our clients wish to give it. To allow boat owners to make the most judicious choices in terms of finishings and decoration, SESSA MARINE and its interior designer have created different environments focusing on harmony of colours, wood varieties and fabrics.

With its warm harmonies and family atmosphere the lounge offers weathered leather linen and blonde woods where one naturally feels at home.