全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 折叠
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    材料 PVC
    推动力模式 手动
    颜色 红色
    长度x宽度 5.35 m (17'06")x86 cm (33.86 in)
    重量 23.4 kg (51.59 lb)
    最大板重 250 kg (551 lb)


快速、宽敞、可靠的混合型皮划艇Smart Pro可用于任何旅行,从周末旅行到偏远地区的长期自主探险。该皮艇具有不对称的落差形状和混合设计,结合了充气管和框架底座。这使得Smart Pro模型特别快,容易操作,宽敞,稳定,容易和快速组装。


NERIS Smart Pro皮艇结合了可折叠皮艇和充气皮艇的最佳特点。框架使Smart Pro具有刚性、carinate和快速的特点,与最好的可折叠皮艇型号相当。Smart Pro模型测试表明,如果一个或两个管子损坏,由于框架的存在,皮划艇可以保持在水面上,并且能够保持航向。坚固的充气管保证了安全和稳定。你可以从水中进入皮划艇,靠在一块板上。

完美的设计使皮划艇轻巧而紧凑。即使你没有任何经验,也只需要15-20分钟就可以组装或拆卸你的Smart Pro。皮划艇可以很容易地由一个人携带,在市政交通或汽车中运输,乘飞机旅行时装入一个标准的行李位置。


Smart Pro有很多有用的功能,使任何旅行都真正舒适。

- 皮划艇的设计简单可靠,易于组装,没有脆弱的塑料框架紧固件。


Fast, roomy and reliable hybrid kayak Smart Pro can be used in any travel, from weekend trips to long autonomous expeditions in remote regions. The kayak has asymmetrical drop shape and hybrid design that combines inflatable tubes and a frame base. This makes the Smart Pro model exceptionally fast, easy-handling, spacious, stable, easy and quick to assemble.

If you wish, you can equip your kayak with an additional seat for a child or use it as a single seater in long expeditions.

NERIS Smart Pro kayak combines the best features of foldable and inflatable kayaks. The frame makes the Smart Pro rigid, carinate and fast, on a par with the best foldable kayak models. Smart Pro model tests have shown that if one or two tubes are damaged, the kayak stays on the water and is able to hold the course due to the frame. Robust inflatable tubes guarantee safety and stability. You can get into the kayak from water, leaning on one board.

Perfect design makes the kayak lightweight and compact. It will take you only 15 - 20 minutes to assemble or disassemble your Smart Pro, even if you have no prior experience. The kayak can be easily carried by one person, transported in municipal transport or in a car, packed into one standard baggage place when travelling by air.

Multi-purposeness of the model allows to use it in various conditions: flat or whitewater rivers, lakes, coastal areas of the seas and oceans.

The Smart Pro has plenty of helpful features that make any trip truly comfortable:

- The kayak's design is simple and reliable, it's easy to assemble and has no fragile plastic frame fasteners;