全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 激流
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人


K37 Mohaka是与一个开放驾驶舱的一艘二人可膨胀的皮船。 它是使用的双用“乐趣”可膨胀的皮船单独或与朋友。 它自已委托,因此您不需要担心陷入沼泽,并且它在皮船或独木舟样式可以用浆划根据您的桨选择。

做为探索的河,多天浮游物旅行的和出租舰队的,可膨胀的Mohaka有乘员组和远征齿轮的负载容量-,并且在18kg它backpackable。 Mohaka可膨胀的皮船在类1水池很好执行通过对坚固性类4+急流。

当自已委托它的高稳定性的船身和急流坚韧K37 Mohaka是选择INCEPT的普遍的皮船探索的河的,全世界。


The K37 Mohaka is a two-person inflatable kayak with an open cockpit. It is the dual-purpose “fun” inflatable kayak to use by yourself or with a friend. It is self-bailing so you don’t need to worry about being swamped and it can be paddled in kayak or canoe style depending on your paddle choice.

Made for exploring rivers, for multi-day float trips, and for rental fleets, the inflatable Mohaka has load capacity for crew and expedition gear - and at 18kg it is backpackable. Mohaka inflatable kayaks perform well in Class 1 pools right through to rugged Class 4+ rapids.

With its high stability hull and rapid self-bailing the tough K37 Mohaka is INCEPT’S popular kayak of choice for exploring rivers, world-wide.