全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 游览
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人



非常适合一日游或长周末,它有足够的腿部空间,让几乎任何划手在划这艘受欢迎的轻型旅行皮划艇时都能感到放松。它的加长龙骨设计有助于稳定性,并提供了比同类皮划艇更好的跟踪性能。德尔塔12.10具有我们所有长途旅行海上皮划艇的所有功能,包括前后舱口和舱壁,以确保安全和干燥储存。它还具有达美航空的多位置Contour II座椅系统、专有的压锁舱门系统和低剖面的前日间舱门。



可利用的颜色: 红色,柠檬绿,白色,日落桔子

船舵: 不可利用

Skeg : 不可利用

长度: 1210年

宽度: 24.5

深度: 13.5

重量: 41 lbs/18.6kg

驾驶舱: 18x 32.5

驾驶舱容量: 56.7Gal/214.6升

弓干储存: 12.1Gal/45.8L

严厉的干储存: 30.3Gal/114.7L

总容量: 99.1Gal/375.1L

最大容量: 330 lbs/150 kg


The 12.10 is a nimble tripper bound to impress paddlers looking for the perfect combination of versatility, stability, and comfort.

Ideal for day trips or long weekends, it has enough leg room to allow almost any paddler to feel at ease while paddling this popular light touring kayak. Its extended keel design aids in stability and offers superior tracking than other kayaks in its class. The Delta 12.10 has all the features found in all our longer touring sea kayaks, including front and rear hatches and bulkheads for safety and dry storage. It also features Delta’s multi-position Contour II Seat System, Proprietary Press-Lock hatch system, and low profile front day hatch.

It is a lightweight athlete, sturdy, and built to make it an excellent choice for intermittently loaded cars, wind boats, or motorboats.

Additional information

Available colors: red, lemon green, white, sunset orange

Rudder: Unavailable

Skeg: Unavailable

Length: 1210 years

Width: 24.5

Depth: 13.5

Weight: 41 lbs/18.6kg

Cockpit: 18x 32.5

Cockpit capacity: 56.7Gal/214.6L

Bow dry storage: 12.1Gal/45.8L

Strict dry storage: 30.3gal/114.7L

Total capacity: 99.1Gal/375.1L

Maximum capacity: 330 lbs/150 kg