全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用项目 游览
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 复合材料
    推动力模式 手动
    长度x宽度 4.9 m (16'00")x57 cm (22.44 in)
    重量 20 kg (44.09 lb)
    最大板重 159 kg (351 lb)


TRAK 2.0皮划艇--全新的FUCHSIA

我们的旗舰皮艇,TRAK 2.0 "终极旅行皮艇 "是一款适航的16英尺便携式海上皮艇,你可以带着它去任何地方。TRAK 2.0像钉子一样坚硬,可以在岩石海岸、沿海环境以及湖泊、河流和海洋上划行。TRAK 2.0可在10分钟内打包完毕,而且结构紧凑,可以放在你需要的地方:汽车、帆船、房车、公寓、背上、火车或飞机上。任何地方。任何水域。


TRAK 2.0可在10分钟内组装完毕,并适合你需要的地方:在你的车里、帆船上、房车里、公寓里、背上、火车上或飞机上。如果你想炫耀一下,或者只是方便地把它带到当地的一些景点,你可以把TRAK设置在屋顶架上运输。

现在重新订购,2022年5月交货 - 全球发货

有关订购TRAK 2.0的条款和选择,请参见Kayak预购协议。了解我们的12个月付款计划。




TRAK 2.0 Kayak — the All-New FUCHSIA

Our flagship kayak, the TRAK 2.0 'ULTIMATE Touring Kayak' is a seaworthy 16-foot portable sea kayak that you can take with you anywhere. Tough as nails, the TRAK 2.0 can be paddled along rocky shores, in coastal environments, and on lakes, rivers and oceans. The TRAK 2.0 packs down in 10 minutes and is compact enough to fit where you need it to: in your car, on your sailboat, in your RV, in your condo, on your back, on a train, or on a plane. Anywhere. Any water.

uilt to unleash your water adventures.

The TRAK 2.0 assembles in 10 minutes and fits where you need it to: in your car, on your sailboat, in your RV, in your condo, on your back, on a train, or on a plane. If you want to show it off or just conveniently get it around some local spots, you can transport the TRAK set-up on a roof rack.

re-order Now for May 2022 Delivery · Shipping Worldwide

See Kayak Pre-Purchase Agreement for terms and Options for Ordering Your TRAK 2.0. Learn about our 12-Month Payment Plan.

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