全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 柴油
    甲板布局 舵手室
    长度宽度 22'00" (6.71 m)X8'01" (2.47 m)
    位置 3,000 lb (1,360.78 kg)
    吃水深度 2'07" (0.79 m)




几个月后,小 "哥斯拉 "下水了,她是一个真正意义上的 "小可爱"。我无法告诉你这艘小拖船的建造有多么有趣,它有一个小而活泼的驾驶室和扇形船尾。我觉得自己就像一个小男孩在建造我的梦想之船,只是等待着她在阳光下的日子,在我们的入海口的浅水区探寻。


What is it about tugboats? They have a certain charm, a certain toy-like quality that may go all the way back to this classic children’s book. In the case of the Godzilla 22, that magical quality is available in a boat small enough to avoid licensing requirements, agile enough to use in tight harbors, strong enough to work like a mule, and durable enough to last for decades. Built around a unique diesel drivetrain of Norwegian make, the Godzilla is ready to push and pull heavy loads all day long. Constructed of Devlin stitch and glue technology, the Godzilla is as tough as its engine, and with routine maintenance, will never let you down. For the details, read Sam’s design notes below.

One of my owners, John Heater, who also has a Black Crown 31, has had an everlasting intrigue with tugboats and over the years that we have known each other, many sketches and drawings have crossed both of our desks as we attempted to translate the other’s ideas and wishes. His latest sketch was for a small, 22 foot long harbor tug, well under the 26 foot length limit that requires a Masters License for operation as a true tug. Accommodations would be Spartan and befitting the size of the boat with mostly day use as a small push-boat and barge hauler.

A few months later, the little “Godzilla” was launched and she is a real “cutie” in all the sense of the word. I can’t tell you how much fun this little tug has been to build with her small but perky pilothouse and fantail stern. I felt like a little boy building my dream boat just waiting for her days out in the sun poking around the shallow waters in our inlet.