全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    船体类型 半硬式
    甲板布局 开放式, 侧边控制台
    人数 最多容纳 4 人
    甲板布置 日光浴, 柚木甲板
    长度宽度 3.3 m(10'09" )X1.6 m(5'02" )
    发动机功率 60 ch(60 hp)
    燃料容量 26 l(7 gal)


Ribjet 10是一系列小型、高效、轻型喷气推进式补给船中第一个也是最受欢迎的尺寸。她是专门设计的,以适应不断增长的招标车库和游泳平台的参数。Ribjet 10配备了60马力的Rotax动力组合,可以处理从船舶到岸上的运输,到全面的水上运动平台或一日游船等各种任务。Ribjet 10拥有大量的标准设备,以及电子和附加组件的自选项目。Ribjet U.S.A和它的所有者,通过多年在定制招标行业的经验,已经把一个标准的生产包,加上一个易于服务的动力装置,远远超过了竞争,同时保持在一个非常有竞争力的价格点。

900 CC Rotax ACE发动机是一个直列三缸四冲程动力装置,在我们的Ribjet 10中有两种配置。我们的Ribjet 10型号具有60马力的调校版本,以提高燃油经济性和平滑的动力带,非常适合水上运动。ACE 900的设计是使用标准的87辛烷值汽油,自然吸气(无涡轮增压),油门反应平稳,加速迅速。900CC ACE发动机具有闭环冷却系统,以避免腐蚀性的盐水和碎片,并易于在世界各地进行维修。它采用广受赞誉的先进燃烧效率技术,也是业内同规模中最省油的船舶发动机。ACE技术允许你在使用最少的燃料的情况下玩一整天,在航行中省略低排放和最小的发动机声音。所有的发动机都在Ribjet U.S.A.进行电脑调校。


The first and most popular size in a series of small, efficient, lightweight jet propulsion tenders is the Ribjet 10. She has been specifically designed to fit within the parameters of an ever growing range of tender garages and swim platforms. Available with a 60hp Rotax power package the Ribjet 10 is equipped to handle duties ranging from ship to shore transport, to an all-out watersports platform or day boat. The Ribjet 10 boasts a large range of standard equipment as well as an A la carte selection of electronics and add on components. Ribjet U.S.A and its owners, through years of experience in the custom tender industry have put together a standard production package coupled with an easy to service power plant that far exceeds the competition while remaining at a very competitive price point.

The 900 CC Rotax ACE engine is an in-line three-cylinder four stroke power plant available in two configurations in our Ribjet 10. Our Ribjet 10 model features the 60hp tuned version for increased fuel economy and a smooth powerband great for watersports. The ACE 900 is designed to run on standard 87 octane pump gas and is naturally aspirated (no turbo) for smooth throttle response and quick acceleration. The 900 CC ACE engine features a closed loop cooling system to avoid corrosive saltwater and debris and is easily serviced worldwide. Built with the acclaimed Advanced Combustion Efficiency technology it’s also the most fuel-efficient marine engine of its size in the industry. The ACE technology allows you to play all day while using a minimal amount of fuel, omitting low emissions and minimal engine sound while underway. All engines are computer tuned at Ribjet U.S.A.