全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 舵手室
    长度宽度 5.05 m (16'06")X6'02" (1.89 m)
    位置 1,200 lb (544.31 kg)
    发动机功率 20 ch (20 hp)
    吃水深度 14 in


Godzilli 16是Devlin目录中一个独特的小动物。她被设计成一艘坚固耐用的小工作船,同时她也能以其几乎像玩具一样的比例让人眼前一亮。但不要被愚弄了。像所有德夫林的设计一样,她有所有深思熟虑的细节,使她成为一个有目的的机器。从本质上讲,她是一艘小型拖船,可以用来推和拖,钓鱼和巡航,轻松地渡过低潮,或者只是在水边看起来很迷人。她有一个小的驾驶室,可以避开天气,但又能方便地处理手头的工作。她使用舷外机作为动力,以防止工作船在电机井内损坏的可能性。舷外机的配置使她在退潮时可以平坦而稳定地坐着。总而言之,有很多很好的理由可以在Godzilli 16中度过一些时间。




The Godzilli 16 is a unique critter in the Devlin catalog. Designed as a rugged and capable little work boat, she also manages to turn heads with her almost toy-like proportions. Don’t be fooled though. Like all Devlin designs, she has all the thought-out details to make her into a machine with purpose. Essentially a mini tug, she can be used to push and tow, fish and cruise, ride out the low tide with ease, or just look charming at the waterfront. She has a small pilothouse for shelter from the weather, yet maintains easy access to the work at hand. She uses an outboard for power, protected against the potential for workboat damage inside a motor well. The outboard configuration allows her to sit flat and stable when the tide goes out. All in all, there are a lot of good reasons to spend some time in the Godzilli 16.

With the good fortune of having built the Godzilla 22 tug and seeing how she moved through the water and experiencing just how damn much fun a small cruiser/workboat like her can be, I was inspired one afternoon to start working on drawings for a small workboat/launch that could be serviceable for our boatshop.

What was needed was a boat small enough to not be a hassle to maintain and keep up properly and yet be stable enough to do all the myriad of jobs such a vessel is required to do with stability and style. We needed a launch to do jobs that could be as simple as ferrying us out to the moorings in deep water of our bigger boats, setting crab pots, or when needed, to tug larger vessels into the Marine Railway for bottom painting or servicing. That is a lot to expect of a small boat and a couple of extra requirements were necessary that really could put