全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    甲板布局 硬顶
    人数 最多容纳 10 人
    风格 传统型
    长度 9.4 m (30'10")


灵感来自荷兰经典设计,940 小屋,多功能性和空间提供惊喜。 全家人都可以轻松地在船上旅行,享受各种不同的休闲区。 还有朋友来吗? 没问题-甚至 10 人可以为自己找到一个舒适的地方。 在船尾,我们发现一个宽敞的沙发,它可以完全转换成日光浴平台。 前甲板提供额外的休息空间,它也隐藏了笨重的睡眠舱和厕所。 大量的大容量储物柜和柜子可以舒适地运送行李。 掌舵和厨房都覆盖着坚实的屋顶,使得即使在恶劣的天气条件下也可以使用船。 此外,安装一个密封的船尾帐篷的可能性使它几乎成为一个四季船。 940 Cabin 由经济和静音柴油电机(16 马力至 40 马力)提供动力,是享受和放松的水面保证,周围环绕着经典优雅。


长度 9,40
宽度 3,10
重量 3500
船员 10
最大发动机功率 40 HP
CE 类别 C


Inspired by the classic Dutch design, 940 Cabin, surprises with versatility and space offered. Whole family can easily travel onboard and enjoy a choice of different relaxation areas. More friends coming? No problem - even 10 people can find a comfortable place for themselves. At the stern we find a wide sofa, which can be completely converted into sundeck. Additional space for rest is provided by foredeck, which also hides bulky sleeping cabin and a toilet. Large number of high-capacity lockers and cabinets allows comfortable transport of the luggage. Helm and kitchen are covered with a solid roof, making it possible to use the boat even in the worse weather conditions. Moreover, possibility to install a sealed stern tent makes it practically an all seasons boat. Powered by economic and silent diesel motor (from 16 up to 40 HP), 940 Cabin is a guarantee of enjoyment and relaxation on the water, surrounded by classic elegance.


Length 9,40
Width 3,10
Weight 3500
Crew 10
Maximum engine power 40 HP
CE Category C