全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内
    甲板布局 开放式
    风格 传统型
    长度 8.64 m (28'04")


埃利斯 28 号是由拉尔夫 · 埃利斯设计是非常适航的。 她是同样成功的渔船,日间船,或周末巡洋舰,她的前瞻性船体将产生良好的巡航速度。 许多人惊叹于乘坐这艘船的方式。 “她骑着崎岖的大海,就像她是 8 英尺长...” 和 “她像海港周围的魅力一样处理...” 是两个客户的评论。 她的出海特性归功于 Ellis 的半位移船体设计。 这艘船不是太大的处理,也不是太小的巡航海岸线。 事实上,大多数人认为她恰到好处。 也许这就是为什么埃利斯 28 号是我们最受欢迎的模型。
埃利斯 28 包括四个客舱模型(快递巡洋舰,龙虾游艇,扩展顶级巡洋舰,和飞桥巡洋舰)以及一个开放式船模型(野餐发射)。 当您浏览布局图时,您会看到 Ellis 28 有许多选择,住宿可以简单或奢华-您的选择。 埃利斯 28 — 一艘船,为每个人提供了一些东西!

总长度 28 ′ 4 ″
最大光束 9 ′ 4 ″
草案 3 ′ 0 ″
净空 (舱) 6 ′ 1 ″
净空 (住房) 6 ′ 2 ″ — 6 ′ 6 ″
排量 8-10,000 磅.
柴油 2 x 50 加仑
饮用水 1 x 25 加仑
废水 1 x 25 加仑
标准发动机 260 ...洋马


The Ellis 28 was designed by Ralph Ellis to be extremely seaworthy. She is equally successful as a fishing boat, day boat, or weekend cruiser, and her sharp-looking hull will produce a good cruising speed. Many people marvel at the way this boat rides. “She rides a rough sea like she is another 8 feet in length…” and, “she handles like a charm around the harbor…” are two customer comments. Her sea-going characteristics are thanks to Ellis’s Semi-Displacement Hull Design. This boat is not too big to handle, and not too small to cruise the coastline. In fact, most people find her just right. Maybe that is why the Ellis 28 is our most popular model.
The Ellis 28 includes four cabin models (Express Cruiser, Lobsteryacht, Extended Top Cruiser, & Flybridge Cruiser) as well as an open boat model (Picnic Launch). When you browse the layout drawings, you will see that the Ellis 28 has many options and accommodations can be simple or lavish – your choice. The Ellis 28 – a boat that provides something for everyone!

Length overall 28′ 4″
Maximum beam 9′ 4″
Draft 3′ 0″
Headroom (cabin) 6′ 1″
Headroom (shelter) 6′ 2″ – 6′ 6″
Displacement 8-10,000 lbs.
Diesel fuel 2 x 50-gallon
Potable water 1 x 25-gallon
Waste water 1 x 25-gallon
Standard engine 260-hp Yanmar