全国: | 上海:
    类型 领航船
    发动机类型 舷内喷水式推进器
    长度 18.8 m(61'08" )
    乘客人数 12 unit


波浪飞行员类的这个例子,建立为SMIT Lamnalco是为工作在西部非洲,这次是注定的加蓬,她的主要角色将是运输飞行员、港官员和轻的货物到/从一个公海近海终端的另一条Alnmaritec小船,以及承担的调动责任对和大油槽。 供给动力由双胞胎毛虫C18 873bhp引擎和符合罗斯劳艾氏Kamewa F45水注她是强有力和高度机动的。 她可以搭载12位乘客除2在被装备对非常高标准,并且的韧性地登上的操舵室之内的乘员组之外越下甲板适应包括一个乘员组混乱区域、WC和一间小船上厨房。


This example of the Wave Pilot class, built for SMIT Lamnalco is another Alnmaritec boat which is destined for work in West Africa, this time the Gabon, where her primary role will be to transport pilots, port officials and light cargoes to and from an open sea offshore terminal, as well as undertaking transfer duties to and large oil tankers. Powered by twin Caterpillar C18 873bhp engines and fitted with Rolls Royce Kamewa F45 water jets she is both powerful and highly manoeuvrable. She can carry 12 passengers in addition to 2 crew within the resiliently mounted wheelhouse which is outfitted to a very high standard and the lower deck accommodation includes a crew mess area, a WC and a small galley.