全国: | 上海:
    类型 领航船
    发动机类型 舷外, 柴油
    材料 铝制
    长度 7.9 m(25'11" )
    乘客人数 7 unit


铝小船三叉戟720CT靛蓝有优秀驾驶的建筑的表现、操作可靠性,安全,功能和舒适。模型提供宽振翼在客舱由边,一间通过客舱附近,允许您从严厉的驾驶舱容易地移动向弓。在客舱,您能用窗口的圆喷出装备船上厨房角落、一个软的沙发变换成2停泊处地方的和一台液体加热器已经在基本排列。boatmaster的位置用与格拉默制音器的一把特别海洋椅子装备。从模型CT演变三叉戟720 CT靛蓝由10 cm不同边的增加的高度在鼻子的,准许操作在最严重的海况的小船。


- 潜水的小船

- 巡逻艇

- 领航船

- 水文切削刀小船

- 休息和钓鱼的小船

- 汽油/在船内柴油引擎与喷水

- 汽油/在船内柴油引擎与sterndrive

在圣彼德堡可能买铝小船三叉戟720 CT靛蓝从制造商和从我们的经销商以俄罗斯的各种各样的地区。


Aluminum boat Trident 720CT Indigo has excellent driving performance, reliability of construction, safety of operation, functionality and comfort. The model provides for a wide flutter around the cabin by the sides, a through cabin, allows you to easily move from the stern cockpit to the bow. In the cabin itself, you can equip a galley corner, a soft sofa transforming into a 2-berth place and a liquid heater with a circular blow-off of the windows already in the basic configuration. The boatmaster's place is equipped with a special marine chair with a Grammer damper. From models CT Evolution Trident 720 CT Indigo differs increased height of the side in the nose by 10 cm, which allows to operate the boat in the most severe sea conditions.


- diving boat

- patrol boat

- pilot boat

- hydrographic cutter boat

- boat for rest and fishing

- petrol/diesel engine inboard with waterjet

- petrol/diesel engine inboard with sterndrive

Buy an aluminum boat Trident 720 CT Indigo possibly in St. Petersburg from the manufacturer, and from our dealers in various regions of Russia.