全国: | 上海:
    类型 领航船
    发动机类型 舷内IPS驱动
    材料 铝制
    长度 14.99 m(49'02" )
    最大宽度 4.8 m(15'08" )
    吃水深度 1.95 m(6'04" )
    发动机功率 650 ch(650 hp)
    巡航速度 33 kt
    乘客人数 6 unit
    燃料容量 2,000 l(528 gal)


Alusafe 1620 BB Pilot是一艘特殊设计的引航船。该船是为公海上的恶劣天气以及海上交通繁忙的遮蔽水域而设计的。为了优化船体设计,使其具有良好的航海性能、舒适性和低阻力,我们进行了广泛的CFD(计算机流体动力学)分析。







The Alusafe 1620 BB Pilot is a special designed Pilot Vessel. The vessel is designed for harsh weather in open seas as well as in sheltered waters with high marine traffic. Extensive CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) analysis have been carried out in order to optimize the hull design for sea worthiness , comfort and low wash.

The hull, inherited from its offshore siblings, is shaped to maintain speed in various weather conditions and is very seaworthy. The hull is divided into separate watertight sections and has double bottom in the cabin area.

The interior is divided into two sections, the wheelhouse and the main cabin forward. The wheelhouse has seating for crew and passengers up to 6 persons in dampened chairs. Below in the cabin, there is additional seating for another 6 persons.

A particular focus area is soundproofing, which is well taken care of.

The fuel capacity is 4x500 ltr, giving it a range of more than 300 nautical miles at cruising speed. Fresh water capacity is 100 ltr. The craft is equipped with the latest in communication and electronic equipment.

The craft is built and equipped and certified according to the latest specification from NMA - Norwegian Maritime Authority.