全国: | 上海:
    类型 领航船
    发动机类型 舷内尾机推进
    材料 铝制
    长度 18.2 m(59'08" )
    最大宽度 5.5 m(18'00" )
    吃水深度 1.3 m(4'03" )
    发动机功率 800 ch, 1,300 ch(800 hp, 1,300 hp)
    巡航速度 30 kt, 35 kt
    乘客人数 10 unit
    燃料容量 2,600 l(687 gal)


Pilot 1820是Kewatec AluBoat船厂引航船队中的旗舰。它是为挪威的大西洋海岸设计的,那里有许多正在使用的船只。

Pilot 1820的适航性受到其尺寸、V型底和强大的发动机的影响。此外,Pilot 1820可以承受高达3.5吨的压舱水。尽管有这种平衡的额外重量,考虑到其尺寸和性能,这艘轻质铝船还是相当省油的。在30节的速度下,它每海里消耗6.5升。

这艘18米长的船也出奇地灵活。在两个沃尔沃IPS推进器和一个电脑控制的操纵杆的帮助下,你可以让Pilot 1820转过身来,或者将它侧移到所需的位置。通过位于后甲板的另一个控制操纵杆,停靠也变得很容易。

Pilot 1820是为船员的安全和舒适专门设计的。暖气也为这两者服务。它使带有五个独立悬挂座椅的驾驶室和宽敞的沙龙在任何天气下都保持温暖,同时也能融化甲板上的冰雪。


此外,你可以住在Pilot 1820中。休息室是舒适而宽敞的。它有一个舒适的沙发和桌子,一个茶水间和一个带淋浴的厕所,而且还有两张宽而长的床。




Pilot 1820 is the flagship in the pilot boat fleet of the Kewatec AluBoat shipyard. It is designed for the Atlantic coast of Norway, where there are many in use.

Pilot 1820’s seaworthiness is influenced by its size, V-bottom and powerful engines. In addition, Pilot 1820 can take ballast water up to 3.5 tons. Despite this balancing extra weight, the light aluminum boat is reasonably fuel-efficient considering its size and performance. At the speed of 30 knots, it consumes 6.5 liters per nautical mile.

The eighteen-meter boat is also surprisingly agile. With the help of two Volvo IPS propulsion units and a computer-controlled joystick you can turn around the Pilot 1820 or move it sideways to the desired location. Docking is made easy with another control joystick located at back deck.

The Pilot 1820 is specially designed for the safety and comfort of the crew. The heating also serves both. It keeps the wheelhouse with five separate suspension seats and spacious salon warm in all weather, but also melts ice and snow from the deck.

A two-meter ceiling height under the deck is not just a pleasant thing for the crew, it also increases the security of working.

In addition, you can live in Pilot 1820. The lounge is cozy and spacious. It has a comfortable sofa and table, a pantry and a toilet with shower, but also two wide and long beds.

The comfort of the crew is further enhanced by the amazing silence of the wheelhouse. Even when driving, the sound pressure increases to a maximum of 65 decibels.

Of course, the boat is fully equipped with the latest navigation and communication equipment. These include for example: two radars, plotter and thermal camera.