全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 42.67 m(139'11" )x36'00"(11 m)
    速度 18 kt
    发动机功率 2,000 ch(2,000 hp)


THREE FORTY THREE 是纽约市消防局(FDNY)在确定需要对海上作业部门进行现代化改造后提出的要求。这艘长 140 英尺、重 500 吨的消防船取代了已有 50 年历史的 JOHN D MCKEAN 消防船,每分钟可抽水 50,000 加仑,比其前身多出 30,000 加仑。

THREE FORTY THREE 由温哥华的海...建筑师罗伯特-艾伦(Robert Allan)设计。其特点包括能够保护消防员免受化学、生物、辐射和核制剂(CBRN)的伤害。在这些恶劣环境中执行任务时,船员在加压区域内受到保护,该区域的空气供应也经过特殊的木炭和 HEPA 过滤器过滤。该船由四台 MTU 主发动机提供动力,每台发动机的功率为 2,000 马力,航速可达 18 节。驾驶室提供 360 度视野以及一个指挥和控制区,在这里,首席执行官可以借助远程摄像头和大量最先进的通信设备监控和指挥操作。

THREE FORTY THREE 是为纪念 2001 年 9 月 11 日在世贸中心牺牲的 343 名消防员而命名的。船头的字样是用取自世贸中心废墟的钢材制作而成的。


The THREE FORTY THREE was requested by the FDNY (New York City Fire Department) after the need to the modernize the Marine Operations department was identified. The 140 foot, 500 ton fireboat replaced the fifty year old JOHN D MCKEAN fireboat and is able to pump 50,000 gallons of water per minute – 30,000 gallons more than its predecessor.

The THREE FORTY THREE was designed by the Vancouver based naval architect Robert Allan Ltd. Features include the capability of protecting firefighters from Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear agents (CBRN). While performing in any of these hostile environments, the crew is protected in a pressurized area that also has its air supply filtered by special charcoal and HEPA filters. The vessel is powered by four MTU main engines, each producing 2,000 hp, and can reach speeds up to 18 knots. The pilot house offers a 360 degree view as well as a command and control area where Chief Officers can monitor and direct the operations with the aid of remote cameras and a large array of state-of-the-art communication equipment.

The THREE FORTY THREE is named in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The lettering on the bow of the vessel is crafted from steel taken from the actual ruins of the World Trade Center.