全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 44.14 m(144'09" )x9.8 m(32'01" )
    吃水深度 2.9 m(9'06" )
    位置 560 t(617 us ton)
    速度 12 kt
    乘客人数 32 unit
    船员人数 4 unit
    发动机功率 1,000 kW(1,359.6 hp)


长43米,宽10米,"Branddirektor Westphal "号是欧洲最大的消防船。法斯默公司设计并建造了这艘船,由汉堡港务局(HPA)负责运营。

这艘消防船的特点包括三个远程控制的火灾监测器、气体检测和警告系统、船体冰层等级E1和生态标签 "Blauer Engel"。船上有一个急救站,配备有全套的救护设备。其主要任务是灭火、救援和技术援助以及检查旅行。凭借这些能力,它满足了运营商的最高要求。


客户/运营商。_Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co.KG

操作区域.... "汉堡港




消防设备(FiFi l+ll)

-3台柴油机操作的消防泵(2,400 mVh @ 14 bar)由CAT C32驱动,每台1,134 kW

-3个远程控制的火灾监测器,(180米/110米@2,400 mVh)。


-水-雾-自我保护系统,甲板汇流排 特殊功能







-发电机组:2台CAT C18,每台563 kVA;1台CAT C4.4,108 kVA


-船体冰级El compilant

-ecolabel "Blauer Engel" compilant


At a length of 43 meters and a beam of 10 meters, the "Branddirektor Westphal" is Europe's largest fireboat. Fassmer designed and built the vessel, which is operated by the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA).

The special features of the fire fighting vessel include three remote-controlled fire monitors, a gas detection and warning system, hull ice class E1 and the ecolabel "Blauer Engel". On board the vessel is a first-aid station featuring the full range of ambulance equipment. The main tasks are fire fighting, rescue and technical assistance as well as inspection trips. With these capabilities, it fulfills the highest requirements of the operator.

General Info

Customer / Operator._Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG

Area of Operation....„Port of Hamburg

Hull No...............7030


Ship's Name.....................BranddirektorWestphal

Fire Fighting Appliances (FiFi l+ll)

•3 diesel engine-operated fire pumps (2,400 mVh @ 14 bar) driven by CAT C32 each 1,134 kW

•3 remote-controlled fire monitors, (180 m / 110 m @ 2,400 mVh)

•3 remote-controlled water/foam fire fighting monitors, (110m / 45 m @ 600 mVh)

•water-fog-self protection System, deck manifolds Spécial Features

•gas détection and warning System

•gas protection System (Citadel)

•rescue platform at the stern, 6 m working / rescue boat

•ambulance care room

•spécial work crâne (2 ton @ 14 m outreach)

•rescue gangway

•gensets: 2 x CAT C18 each 563 kVA; 1 x CAT C4.4 108 kVA

•exhaust gas treatment (EU Level 5) for M.E.

•hull ice class El compilant

•ecolabel„Blauer Engel“ compilant