全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 65.65 m(215'04" )x14 m(45'11" )
    吃水深度 4.2 m(13'09" )
    位置 1,851 t(2,040 us ton)
    乘客人数 42 unit


这艘 65 米长的先进船只专为地球物理研究和勘测而设计,配备先进的探测和勘测设备,可在全球范围内作业。

Fugro Galaxy "号是当今世界上最先进的近海勘测船,可用于近海、石油和天然气行业以及近海可再生能源领域。模块化地震绞车和其他特殊勘测设备可布置在大型工作甲板上(> 350 平方米)。推进系统采用柴油-电力设计,配有两个风道式 Z 驱动螺旋桨和一个船首推进器,能够以低噪音水平固定或牵引地震系统。


这套勘测设备包括 EA600 单波束回声测深仪、EM302 和 EM3002 多波束回声测深仪、Edgetech 双频 4200 数字侧扫声纳、啁啾声海底剖面仪、Hydroscience SeeMUX 数字系统(可向 3000 米长的固体数字流发射高达 970 立方英尺的震源)和 Hi... 500 USBL 系统。该船将完全联网,提供完全的即插即用互联性,并配有 Fugro 的双 DGPS 高精度导航系统。该船的设计允许同时进行模拟/数字勘测作业和自动潜航器作业。该船还可承担岩土工程和 ROVSV 任务。柴电驱动、特殊设计的船体结构、弹性发动机支架和舵式螺旋桨将最大限度地提高站位保持和导航控制能力,同时确保在勘测速度下的静音运行。


This state-of-the-art 65m vessel is designed for geophysical research and surveys, with state-of-the-art sounding and survey equipment for worldwide operation.

The “Fugro Galaxy” is the most advanced offshore survey vessel of its kind in the world today, operating in the offshore, oil and gas industries and the offshore renewable energy sector. Modular seismic winches and other special survey equipment can be arranged on the large work-deck (> 350 square metres). The propulsion system is a diesel-electric design with two ducted z-drive propellers and a bow thruster, enabling station-keeping or towing seismic systems at low noise levels.

Spécial Features

The suite ofsurvey equipment will include an EA600 single-beam écho sounder, EM302 and EM3002 multibeam echosounders, Edgetech dual frequency 4200 digital sidescan sonar, chirp sub-bottom profiler, Hydroscience SeeMUX digital System, with a seismic source of up to 970cu in firing into a 3000 métré long solid digital streamer, and a HiPAP 500 USBL System. The vessel will be fully networked to provide full plug-and-play interconnectivity and hâve Fugro's dual DGPS high-precision Navigation Systems. The design of the vessel will permit simultaneous analogue/digital survey operations and AUV operations. Geotechnical and ROVSV duties can also be under-taken. Diesel-electric drive, specially designed hull form, résilient engine mounts and rudder propellers will maximise station keeping and navigational control while ensur-ing acoustically quiet running at survey speeds.