全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 90.8 m(297'10" )x19 m(62'04" )
    TPL 4,000 t(4,409 us ton)
    速度 15 kt
    乘客人数 69 unit


名:Polarcus Naila。这是一艘采用 ULSTEIN SX124 设计的 14 艘三维地震研究船。X-BOW 与柴油电力推进相结合,确保了出色的油耗性能、航海性能和航速。配备高规格催化转换器、双层船体和舱底水清洁系统。

Polarcus Naila "号是迪拜世界干船坞为 Polarcus 建造的六艘地震船中的第二艘。该船船体编号为 67,于 2010 年 2 月 24 日交付。

2014 年,该船进行了改装,以便被归类为特种船。此外,工作范围还包括压载水处理安装。

2021:2021 年 4 月,Shearwater GeoServices 收购了所有六艘 Polarcus 船舶。Polarcus Naila 号更名为 "SW Mikkelsen "号。

2022 年 10 月 20 日Shearwater GeoServices 和 WesternGeco 将在美国墨西哥湾(GoM)联合执行一项新获得的为期三个月的洋底节点(OBN)勘测。Shearwater 将部署 SW Gallien 和 SW Mikkelsen 作为该项目的源船,并结合 ROV 节点部署。


First name: Polarcus Naila. A 14-streamer 3D seismic research vessel of the ULSTEIN SX124 design. The X-BOW combined with diesel-electric propulsion ensure excellent fuel consumption performance, sea-keeping and speed. Equipped with high-specification catalytic convertors, double hull and bilge water cleaning system.

'Polarcus Naila’ is the second of six seismic vessels constructed for Polarcus at Drydocks World - Dubai. The vessel is hull number 67 and was delivered on 24 February 2010.
The vessel´s first commission was to work off West Africa.

In 2014, the vessel underwent a conversion in order to be classified as a Special Purpose Ship. Furthermore, the scope of work included Ballast Water Treatment installation.

2021: In April 2021, Shearwater GeoServices acquired all six Polarcus vessels. The Polarcus Naila has changed name to 'SW Mikkelsen'.

2022, 20 October: Shearwater GeoServices and WesternGeco will jointly perform a newly awarded ocean-bottom node (OBN) three-month survey in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Shearwater will deploy the SW Gallien and SW Mikkelsen as source vessels for the project, in combination with ROV node deployment.