全国: | 上海:
    其他特性 沿海
    长度 35 m(114'09" )
    发动机功率 600 kW(815.8 hp)


为阿尔弗雷德-韦格纳研究所建造的新UTHÖRN号全长35米,将成为德国第一艘以环保、低排放甲醇为动力的适航船舶,为德国航运业的可持续发展设立了新标准。两台改装柴油发动机的总输出功率为 600 千瓦,为船上的两台电动机提供电力。

除了配备干湿实验室的大型工作甲板外,新的 UTHÖRN 号还配备了两个用于拖网和水样采集器的井架吊杆、一个用于探测和识别鱼群的多频回声测深仪,以及一个可在波涛汹涌的海面上稳定船只的防滚翻水箱。因此,它为各学科的海洋研究人员提供了一个学习行业工具的绝佳平台,这也是它的核心功能之一。与它的前身(1982 年投入使用的 30 米长的切割船)一样,这艘船不仅将为海岸研究做出宝贵贡献,还将为学生提供在北海巡航的机会,让他们有机会熟悉野外研究中使用的重型装备。


The new UTHÖRN for the Alfred-Wegener-Institut, measuring 35 metres long, will be the first seaworthy German ship powered by environmentally friendly, low-emissions methanol, setting new standards for sustainability in German shipping. The two modified diesel engines with a combined output of 600 kW provide electricity for the ship’s two electric motors.

In addition to a large working deck with dry and wet laboratories, the new UTHÖRN features two derrick booms for trawling nets and water samplers, a multi-frequency echosounder for detecting and identifying schools of fish, and an anti-roll tank, which can stabilise the ship on choppy seas. Accordingly, it offers marine researchers of all disciplines an outstanding platform to learn the tools of their trade – which is also one of its core functions. Like its eponymous predecessor (a 30-metre-long cutter commissioned in 1982), the ship will not only make valuable contributions to coastal research, but also offer students cruises on the North Sea, giving them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the heavy gear used in field research.