全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 116 m(380'06" )x20.6 m(67'07" )
    船员人数 89 unit


SONNE "号是世界上最现代化和装备最好的研究船之一。安格拉-默克尔甚至在其落成典礼上称其为 "漂浮的奇迹"。

它的建造于2012年12月4日开始,在欧洲招标过程中由Tiefseeforschungsschiff GmbH公司赢得,该公司由位于不来梅的航运公司RF Forschungsschifffahrt和MEYER WERFT合并而成。总费用达1.244亿欧元:90%由联邦教育和研究部(BMBF)提供,而北德各州则共同投资剩余的10%。

经过近一年半的建造工作,长116米、宽20.6米的 "SONNE "号被卸下,开始在北海和波罗的海进行首次试航。随后,安格拉-默克尔于2014年7月11日在罗斯托克-瓦内明德正式为它命名。

这个 "漂浮的奇迹 "确实名副其实。特别值得强调的是机房装置,其安装方式使其几乎不会对船体产生任何振动。这意味着SONNE号可以在没有振动的情况下安静地行驶,以避免干扰回声测量。这艘深海研究船还拥有7台高性能起重机、一个潜水机器人和一个精确定位系统。由于它的两个大型螺旋桨、可旋转的泵喷射器以及船头和船尾的推进器,该船在研究作业中保持准确的位置。

SONNE号可容纳40名科学家、32名船员和17个实验室,面积达600平方米。它非常高效、经济和环保--它甚至被授予德国 "蓝天使 "生态标签。


The “SONNE” is one of the most modern and best-equipped research vessels in the world. Angela Merkel even called it a “floating miracle” during its inauguration ceremony.

Its construction began on 4 December 2012 following a European tendering process won by Tiefseeforschungsschiff GmbH, a merger of the Bremen-based shipping company RF Forschungsschifffahrt and MEYER WERFT. The total costs amounted to 124.4 million euros: 90% was provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), while the north German states invested the remaining 10% together.

After almost one and a half years of construction work, the 116-metre-long and 20.6-metre wide SONNE was undocked and embarked on its first test runs in the North and Baltic Seas. It was then officially named in Rostock-Warnemünde by Angela Merkel on 11 July 2014.

The “floating miracle” has certainly lived up to its name. It’s particularly worth highlighting the engine room units, which are mounted in such a way that they hardly send any vibrations to the ship’s hull. This means the SONNE can travel quietly and without vibrations to avoid disturbing echo-sounding surveys. The deep-sea research vessel also features seven high-performance cranes, a diving robot and a pinpoint positioning system. The ship remains exactly in place during research operations thanks to its two large propellers, its rotatable pump jet, and its bow and stern thruster.

The SONNE can accommodate 40 scientists, a 32-man crew and 17 laboratories across 600 m2. It’s incredibly efficient, economical and environmentally friendly – it’s even been awarded the German “Blue Angel” eco-label.