全国: | 上海:
    类型 巡逻
    其他特性 沿海
    长度x宽度 43.16 m(141'07" )x8 m(26'02" )
    吃水深度 2.9 m(9'06" )
    速度 28 kt



CPV 以克罗地亚海...过去几十年使用的成熟设计的技术、方法和经验为基础。众所周知,小型巡逻舰比大型巡逻舰更有效率。所有设计阶段均由克罗地亚公司完成(战术研究、可行性研究、初步设计、模型试验、基本设计和车间设计)。适应性强的设计非常适合出口市场,可根据客户的不同需求进行更改,确保满足世界各地海...的作战要求。

一个遥控稳定式 30 毫米舰炮系统安装在主甲板前部的中线上,确保了宽阔的炮击视野。这种配置具有遥控操作、用于自主操作的内置光电传感器系统、昼夜操作、稳定炮塔、自动目标跟踪(在移动中探测、跟踪和射击)和弹道计算等先进功能。稳定炮塔可使火炮的视线始终瞄准目标。由于具有稳定功能,该系统可在平台移动时对静止或移动目标进行精确射击。

在上层建筑的右舷和左舷有两个 360° 基座,用于安装 12.7 毫米机枪(如 M2HB 型),以确保在开放式舰桥机翼结构的同等防护水平下,提供宽阔的火炮作...域。EOS - 用于观察的电子光学监视(EOS)系统


The introduction of the coastal patrol vessel (CPV) into operational service presents another project modernization and development of new capacities of the Croatian Navy.

CPV is based on the technologies, methods, and experiences of the proven designs used by the Croatian Navy for past decades. Smaller patrol ships are known to be more efficient than the large ones. All design phases are made in Croatian companies (tactical study, feasibility study, initial design, model tests, basic design, and workshop design). The adaptable design is well suited to the export market and can be changed according to individual customer needs, ensuring they can meet the operational requirements of navies around the world.

One remotely operated stabilized 30 mm naval gun system, installed on the main deck forward at the centerline, ensuring a wide field of gun action. Such configurations incorporate advanced features as remote operation, a built-in electro-optic sensor system for autonomous operation, day and night operation, stabilized turret, automatic target tracking (detect, track and fire on the move) and ballistic computation. Stabilized turret enables the line-of-sight of the gun to be aimed at the target at all times. Due to the stabilization feature, the system can perform precise firings against stationary or moving targets while the platform is on-the-move.

Two 360° pedestals for 12.7 mm machine gun (of M2HB type, e.g.), situated starboard and portside on the superstructure, ensuring a wide field of gun action with the same level of protection assured by open bridge wing structure. EOS - Electric-optical Surveillance (EOS) system for observation