全国: | 上海:
    类型 巡逻
    其他特性 高速
    长度 最少: 25 m(82'00" )
    长度 最多: 30 m(98'05" )


巡逻艇是国家安全组织和武装部队打击贩毒和海盗的重要工具,也用于...干预和人道主义援助。每次船员出海,都是冒着生命危险,这意味着船只必须能够承受最恶劣的环境,所有这一切都将安全放在首位。在 AISTER,我们通过设计和制造高品质的船用铝制巡逻艇,努力将客户的需求变为现实,这些巡逻艇就是舒适和快速的代名词。


10 米至 30 米的铝制巡逻艇采用深 V 型船体设计,在轻量化和应对大浪时的性能之间取得了完美平衡,同时又不失方向稳定性或速度,使我们的巡逻艇最高速度可达 50 海里/小时。所有这些都使航行更加平稳,没有颠簸,有助于防止船员在长时间海上巡逻时受伤和疲劳。

在 AISTER,我们的目标是实现您的需求。我们对设计进行了优化,创造出一系列巡航速度在 17 至 22 节之间的舒适型船只,非常适合需要在不同区域执行预防性控制的巡逻队。然而,当需要加速或追逐时,我们的船只最高时速可达 50 节。




Patrol boats are a key tool for state security organisations and the armed forces in the fight against drug trafficking and piracy, and are also used for military intervention and humanitarian aid. Every time a crew goes out to sea, its members are risking their lives, meaning boats must be able to withstand the toughest environments, all of which makes safety paramount. At AISTER we have worked hard to make our customers’ needs a reality through the design and manufacture of high-quality marine aluminium patrol boats that are synonymous with comfort and speed.

Top Speeds

Aluminium boats between 10 and 30 m, the deep-V hull design strikes a perfect balance between being a lightweight boat and performance when tackling big waves without losing directional stability or speed, allowing our patrol boats to reach top speeds of 50 knots. All this makes for smoother sailing, free from jolts, helping prevent injuries and fatigue among the crew during long patrols at sea.

At AISTER, our goal is to make your needs a reality. We have optimised our designs to create a range of boats with comfortable cruise speeds between 17 and 22 knots, ideal for patrols that need to perform preventive controls in different areas. However, when the time comes to accelerate or give chase, our boats can reach top speeds of up to 50 knots.

Flexible technology

Our specially designed collar for rapid-response boats is designed to protect them from impacts. The strong coating and flexible core help absorb impacts, making it an ideal choice for professional applications.