全国: | 上海:
    类型 巡逻
    其他特性 沿海
    长度x宽度 46.57 m (152'09")x10.6 m (34'09")
    吃水深度 2.3 m (7'06")
    位置 397 t (438 us ton)
    速度 13.5 kt
    乘客人数 48 unit
    船员人数 5 unit


海...部队的舰艇需要更高的技术能力,因为它们包含复杂的电子和武器系统。SIMA 建造的主要舰艇是排水量 2400 吨的导弹护卫舰,配备远程导弹,以及海岸警卫队巡逻艇。目前,这些舰艇组成了秘鲁海...舰队,是 SIMA 高技术水平的代表。

在打击走私、贩毒或恐怖主义等非法行为的防卫和安全需求方面,SIMA 同样为不同的地理条件开发了装备齐全的快速船只,如海岸艇、内河炮艇和后勤支援快艇。


Naval units are vessels which demand a greater technological capability since they contain complex electronic and weapons systems. The main units built by SIMA are missile frigates of 2400 tons of displacement, equipped with long-range missiles, and Coast-Guard patrol boats. Currently, these vessels make up the fleet of the Peruvian Navy and are a sample of the high technological level reached by SIMA.

Within the defense and security demands against unlawful actions of smuggling, drug trafficking or terrorism, SIMA equally develops fully-equipped fast ships for different geographical conditions, such as coastal boats, river gunships and speedboats for logistics support.