全国: | 上海:
    类型 巡逻, 近海巡逻
    长度x宽度 72 m (236'02")x11 m (36'01")
    吃水深度 3.1 m (10'02")
    速度 22 kt


ARES 72 OPV 是一艘长 72 米的近海巡逻艇,由 ARES 造船厂设计,用于执行专属经济区(EEZ)巡逻、搜救、海关和税务、走私、反海盗、特种部队行动和海...巡逻任务。船体设计在巡航和高速行驶时效率很高,可实现最佳的燃油经济性和可持续任务。广泛的燃料储存使其在经济航速下的航程超过 3 000 牛米。该船可在海况 7 级以下的条件下不受限制地作业。其设计包括一个飞行甲板,可供直升机昼夜作业。船上还有载人快速拦截 RHIB 或 ULAQ 系列无人水面飞行器,可根据最终用户的要求进行配置。

舰载设备 - 1 x 船尾拦截艇或 ULAQ USV

2 x 补给艇或 ULAQ USV

分类 - IACS


ARES 72 OPV is a 72m in length Offshore Patrol Vessel, designed by ARES Shipyard for EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) patrol, search & rescue, customs & excise, smuggling, anti-piracy, special forces operations and naval patrol missions. The hull form is designed for high efficiency at cruise and high speeds, for optimum fuel economy and sustainable missions. Extensive fuel storage provides for a range of over 3,000 Nm at economic speed. The vessel is designed for unrestricted operations in conditions up to Sea State 7. The design includes a flight deck for day/night helicopter operations. There are also manned fast interceptor RHIBs or ULAQ series Unmanned Surface Vehicles onboard to be configured as per end user requests.

Onboard Equipment - 1 x Aft Deck Interceptor or ULAQ USV

2 x Tender Boats or ULAQ USV

Classification - IACS