全国: | 上海:
    类型 拖网渔船, 培训
    材料 GRP
    长度 最少: 25 m (82'00")
    长度 最多: 30 m (98'05")
    宽度 6.5 m, 7.5 m (21'03")
    吃水深度 2 m (6'06")
    位置 最少: 75 t (83 us ton)
    位置 最多: 90 t (99 us ton)
    速度 14 kt
    船员人数 9 unit
    发动机功率 500 ch, 700 ch (500 hp)


ARESA 3000 - 2500 SFV 校渔船是一艘专门设计用于使用最大类型渔具进行捕鱼培训的船只,配备拖网系统、底层刺网系统、底层延绳系统、网箱和围网系统。该船可在海上停留 5 至 7 天,以便进行尽可能多的捕鱼操作,并对定期通过该校船的不同船员进行培训。


该船配备了用于海底勘探和渔网控制的最先进的探测技术,如 Furuno 捕捞和渔网探测仪,以及许多其他监测和跟踪系统,如 MaxSea 软件和高水平的无线电和卫星通信,使其成为这种特殊功能的完美工具。

根据最终客户的要求,它可以在船舱中配备不同的鱼类保存系统:零下 25 摄氏度冷冻、零下 60 摄氏度冷冻以及计划中的保存和结冰等。

带 2 个缆绳卷筒的液压卷扬机。




制冰机,日制冰能力为 1500 公斤。


The model ARESA 3000 - 2500 SFV SCHOOL FISHING VESSEL, is a vessel specially designed to carry out fishing training with the largest possible type of fishing gear, equipped with trawling system, bottom gillnetting system, bottom longline system and pots and purse seine system. Capable of remaining for periods of 5 to 7 days at sea, in order to carry out as many fishing manoeuvres as possible and to train the different crews that pass through this school ship periodically.

This model can be built in Composite Materials (PRVF), Naval Aluminium and Steel, or using a combination of them, with the aim of reducing its total weight and also its annual fuel consumption, making it a more eco-efficient vessel, and also increasing the number of days it can remain at sea without refuelling.

Equipped with the most sophisticated detection technology for seabed exploration and net control, such as Furuno fishing and net sounders, as well as many other monitoring and tracking systems, such as MaxSea software and a high level of radio and satellite communication, make this vessel the perfect tool for this particular type of function.

It can be equipped with different fish preservation systems in its holds, depending on the end customer's requirements: freezing at -25ºC, freezing at -60ºC and preservation and ice in scheme, among others.

Hydraulic windlass with 2 reels holding for cable.

Hydraulic windlass for nets.

Stern gantry.

Trawl gates.

Ice machine with 1500 kg /day capacity.