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低排放挖泥船(American Bureau of Shipping)
    类型 挖泥船
    分级 American Bureau of Shipping
    长度x宽度 140.5 m (460'11")x34.1 m (111'10")
    吃水深度 7 m (22'11")
    速度 12 kt


Acadia 号是第一艘悬挂美国国旗、符合《琼斯法案》的海底岩石安装用倾斜式落水管船,采用了美国船级社(ABS)认可的 ULSTEIN S211 设计。该船将按照一流的安全和低排放标准(LEV、Sustain2)建造。

2024 年

由 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.LLC (GLDD)

由 Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V. 设计

为了实现低排放和可持续发展的目标,该船的设计包括 EPA Tier 4 发动机、用于港口装货的插入式岸电连接以及用于削峰填谷的电池组。该船还可以使用生物燃料,以减少二氧化碳排放量,并配备了主动排放控制技术,以最大限度地减少氮氧化物的排放。


Acadia is the first U.S. flagged Jones Act compliant, inclined fallpipe vessel for subsea rock installation and is based on an ULSTEIN S211 design approved by the American Bureau of Shipping (“ABS”). She will be built with best-in-class safety and low emissions standards (LEV, Sustain2).

YEAR 2024

OWNED BY Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. LLC (GLDD)

DESIGNED BY Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V.

To reach the low emission and sustainability goals, the vessel design includes EPA Tier 4 engines, plug-in shore power connection for loading in ports and battery packs for peak-shaving. The vessel is also able to run on biofuel to reduce its CO2 footprint and is equipped with active emission control technology to minimise NOx emissions.