全国: | 上海:
    类型 施工
    长度x宽度 145.9 m (478'08")x29 m (95'01")
    TPL 最少: 7,025 t (7,744 us ton)
    TPL 最多: 11,312 t (12,469 us ton)
    吃水深度 7.2 m, 8.3 m (23'07")
    速度 13.8 kt
    船员人数 120 unit
    发动机功率 3,840 kW (5,220.9 hp)


Seven Waves是一艘 "柔性铺管 "船,是Subsea 7船队的最新成员,该船由IHC Merwede设计建造,同时由豪氏威马开发和安装铺管设备。该船由IHC Merwede公司设计建造,铺管设备和支架由豪氏威马公司开发安装。该船最初将用于巴西领海,支持桑托斯盆地重要油田的开发。在为期5年的合同中,这艘 "柔性铺管船 "将为巴西石油公司提供支持,主要是在巴西沿海2500米深的水域安装柔性流动管道和立管。

Seven Waves是Subsea 7公司与IHC Merwede公司海洋工程部签订的第五艘Vcssel,作为与巴西石油公司签订的新一轮高压管道铺设合同中的第一艘,它将标志着Subsea公司在巴西业务的下一个篇章。在Seven Waves之前,已经交付了Seven Océans(铺管)、Seven Seas(铺管和施工)、Seven Atlantic(潜水支持)和Seven Pacific(铺管)。Subsea 7选择IHC Merwcde和Huisman来建造这艘最新的船,主要是看中了他们在按时交付前四次订单方面的效率和可靠性,同时也满足了质量要求。

随着Subsea 7与IHC Merwedc在2011年11月签订合同,龙骨铺设仪式在2012年8月一个月后举行。2013年5月3日,该船的教母Lucia Andrade进行了命名仪式。虽然原计划在2014年第一季度末,但vcssel在2014年3月提前两周交付。

协同、概念研究和基础设计IHC Offshore & Marine与Subsca 7紧密合作设计了该船。


Seven Waves, a 'flex-lay' pipe laying vessel, is the latest addition to the Subsea 7 fleet. The vessel is designed and built by IHC Merwede, whilst the pipe-laying equipment and crânes were developed and installed by Huisman. It will initially be used in the Brazilian territorial waters to support the development of significant oil ficlds in the Santos Basin. Supporting Petrobras during a five-year contract, the 'flex-lay vessel will mainly be installing flexible flow lines and risers in water depths up to 2,500 métrés, off the coast of Brazil.

Seven Waves, the fifth vcssel contracted by Subsea 7 to IHC Merwede's Offshore division, will mark the next chapter in Subsea's Brazilian operations as the first of a new génération of high tension pipe laycrs contracted to Petrobras. Seven Waves was preceded by the dclivery of Seven Océans (pipe laying), Seven Seas (pipe laying and construction), Seven Atlantic (diving support) and Seven Pacific (pipe laying). Subsea 7 sclected IHC Merwcde and Huisman for this latest vessel, primarily for their eflkiency and reliability in delivering the four previous ordcrs on time, whilst at the same time meeting the required level of quality.

With the contract between the Subsea 7 and IHC Merwedc signed in November 2011, the keel-laying ceremony was hcld one month ahcad of schcdule in August 2012. The naming ceremony was performed on 3 May 2013 by Lucia Andrade, the ship's godmother. Although originally planned at the end of the first quarter of 2014, the vcssel was delivered in two weeks early in March 2014.

The synergy, concept studies and basic design IHC Offshore & Marine designed the ship in close coopération with Subsca 7.