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    长度 39 m (127'11")


独立,在波士顿拖曳和运输的, Reinauer公司修造。 在交付近海支援船只将根据在格洛斯特,马萨诸塞和根据同海王星液化天然气的长期合同,苏伊士液化天然气北美洲的会员。

独立将合并罗伯特有限公司亚伦的最新的船身设计,保持海的优化的,燃料效率和乘员组舒适。 这猛拉在美国将合并与罗斯劳艾氏CCP-255 Z驱动的可调距螺旋桨和是这个类型的第一种应用,罗斯劳艾氏的。 这允许FiFi类一消防泵被击退主要引擎,通过消灭被找到的消防泵引擎节省很多重量和费用在其他FiFi类一船。 CP驱动也预计优选系船柱拉扯、燃料效率和船速度。



Independence, is in build for Boston Towing and Transportation, a Reinauer Company. Upon delivery the offshore support vessel will be based in Gloucester, Massachusetts and under long term contract with Neptune LNG, an affiliate of Suez LNG North America.

Independence will incorporate Robert Allan Ltd.'s latest hull design, for optimization of sea keeping, fuel efficiency and crew comfort. This tug will incorporate controllable pitch propellers with Rolls Royce CCP-255 Z Drives, and will be the first application of this type, for Rolls Royce in the United States. This allows the FiFi Class One fire pumps to be driven off the main engines, which saves a great deal of weight and cost by eliminating the fire pump engines found on all other FiFi Class One vessels. The CP drives are also expected to optimize bollard pull, fuel efficiency and vessel speed.

The tug will be able to self-load up to three containers for cargo operations, and have radiantly heated decks, bow bulwark caps, and carbon fiber drive shafts.