全国: | 上海:
    其他特性 高速
    乘客人数 1,880 unit



我们曾为希腊船东建造了三艘 40 节级超高速渡船(载客量为 472 人)"金银岛 "号、载客量为 1,500 人和 200 辆汽车的 "蓝星 "号汽车渡船,以及为意大利 Moby Line 建造的可容纳 1,880 人的豪华汽车渡船,这些经验使我们掌握了建造先进汽车渡船的先进技术。2010 年,我们获得了为突尼斯船东 COTUNAV 建造一艘豪华客渡船的合同、

所有这些客渡船都因其轻盈坚固的结构、优雅的外形和出色的内部设计特点而备受关注。2000 年和 2001 年,我们首次从韩国出口的两艘汽车渡轮被选为世界最佳船舶,证明了公司汽车渡轮的卓越品质。


Cruise Ships with both beauty and comfort

We have acquired advanced technology in building sophisticated passenger car ferries from its experience of building three 40-knot class ultra-high speed ferries with 472 passenger capacity, the "Treasure Island," the "Blue Star" car ferry with a capacity of 1,500 passengers and 200 cars for a Greek owner, and a very luxurious car ferry accommodating 1,880 passengers for Moby Line in Italy. In 2010, We were awarded the contract to build a luxurious passenger ferry for the Tunisian owner, COTUNAV,

All of these passenger ferries have drawn attention for their light and solid structures, elegant shapes, and outstanding interior design features. Two of the car ferries that We exported for the first time from Korea were selected as the world's best ships in 2000 and 2001, proving the excellent quality of the company's car ferries.