全国: | 上海:
    长度x宽度 62.3 m (204'04")x18.8 m (61'08")


为英国业主--伦敦交通局建造两艘汽车客渡船。新船将在伍尔维奇区运营泰晤士河渡口,每年运送超过一百万辆汽车和260万乘客。它们将按照LMG Marin公司准备的 "LMG 60-DEH "设计建造,并将遵守劳埃德船级社和海事及海岸警卫队的规则和条例。与TfL签订长期合同经营伍尔维奇渡轮服务的Briggs Marine Contractors公司,将在Keel Marine的支持下为TfL提供业主的计划审批和建造监督。新的渡轮是专门设计的,以配合伍尔维奇翻修的连接盘,并将取代目前建于1963年的三艘船。新渡轮将配备210车道米的车辆甲板空间,并有专门的骑自行车的人与步行者分开。这些船只将被许可搭载150名乘客。船舶的推进系统是围绕着最大效率、内置冗余、高可靠性和低运营成本的原则设计的。因此,每艘船将配备四个方位推进器,由垂直安装的永磁电机驱动。安装了两台柴油发电机组,在正常运行中,只有一台会在近乎恒定的负荷下运行,而电池装置则提供穿越时的峰值电力需求。当推进力需求较低时,多余的发电量将被用来给电池充电。这种新颖的混合系统提供了许多优势


Construction of two car passenger ferries for a British Owner – Transport for London. The new vessels will be operating the Thames crossing in the district of Woolwich carrying over a million vehicles and 2.6 million passengers a year. They will be built according to “LMG 60-DEH” design prepared by LMG Marin and will comply with rules and regulations of Lloyds Register of Shipping and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency. Briggs Marine Contractors, who operate the Woolwich Ferry service under a long term contract with TfL, will be providing the Owner’s Plan Approval and Build supervision for TfL supported by Keel Marine. The new ferries have been specifically designed to match the refurbished linkspans at Woolwich and will replace the current three vessels built in 1963. The new ferries will be equipped with 210 lane meters of vehicle deck space with dedicated cyclist accommodation separated from foot passengers. The vessels will be licensed to carry 150 passengers. The vessels’ propulsion system has been designed around the principals of maximum efficiency, inbuilt redundancy, high reliability and low operating costs. Therefore, each vessel will be equipped with four azimuth thrusters powered by vertically mounted permanent magnet motors. Two Diesel generating sets are installed and in normal operation only one will be running at a near constant load with the battery installation providing the peak power demand for the crossings. When the propulsion power demand is low the excess generated power will be used to recharge the batteries. This novel hybrid system provides numerous advantages