全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    长度 88'00" (26.82 m)
    乘客人数 最少: 150 unit
    乘客人数 最多: 350 unit


作为必须在苛刻的时间框架内交付的军用船队的主要供应商,Metal Shark建立了一个以工程为中心的方法,利用100%的数字设计、切割和金属板弯曲来实现快速和精确的组装。对于每一艘客船的建造,Metal Shark都有一个由项目经理和项目工程师组成的团队,以消除车间的工程。由于批量生产,Metal Shark公司享有无可比拟的规模经济,在任何时候都有多个船队在进行建造,并利用其优势为客户提供服务。由于它所服务的市场多种多样,Metal Shark从不闲着。因此,没有 "提高 "生产所需的滞后时间。

2016年7月,Metal Shark被HNY Ferry Fleet, LLC(Hornblower公司)选中,为其新的纽约市轮渡服务建造88英尺、Incat Crowther设计的150客位高速渡船。通过采用其在军事舰队建造中磨练出的相同的系列化建造流程,Metal Shark公司在创纪录的时间内建造并交付了全部六艘船的订单。从项目开始到第一艘船的交付不到10个月的时间,Metal Shark公司在2017年4月至6月期间按计划或提前交付了所有六艘渡轮。纽约市渡轮于2017年5月1日正式启动,美达鲨建造的H102号渡轮在新服务的首轮收入行程中被赋予了渡运首批客户的荣誉。Metal Shark很自豪地将HNY Ferry Fleet、Hornblower和NYC Ferry列入其不断增长的满意客户名单。2017年9月,宣布了NYC轮渡的第二份订单。为纽约市渡轮生产150客位和350客位的渡轮的工作正在进行。


As a leading supplier of military vessel fleets that must be delivered within demanding timeframes, Metal Shark has established an engineering-centric approach that utilizes 100% digital design, cutting, and sheet metal bending for rapid and precise assembly. For each passenger vessel build, Metal Shark dedicates a team of project managers and project engineers to eliminate shop-floor engineering. Metal Shark enjoys unmatched economies of scale due to volume production, with multiple fleet builds underway at any given time, and leverages its strength to its customers’ advantage. Due to the diverse markets it serves, Metal Shark is never idle. Accordingly, there is no lag-time required to “ramp up” production.

In July 2016, Metal Shark was selected by HNY Ferry Fleet, LLC (a Hornblower company) to build 88′, Incat Crowther-designed, 150-passenger high-speed ferries for its new NYC Ferry Service. By incorporating the same serialized building processes honed on its military fleet builds, Metal Shark built and delivered the entire six-vessel order in record time. With less than ten months’ time from project start to the delivery of the first vessel, Metal Shark delivered all six ferries on or ahead of schedule, between April and June, 2017. NYC Ferry officially launched on May 1, 2017, with Metal Shark-built H 102 given the honors of ferrying the first load of customers on the new service’s inaugural revenue trip. Metal Shark is proud to count HNY Ferry Fleet, Hornblower, and NYC Ferry among its growing list of satisfied customers. In September 2017, a second order of NYC Ferries was announced. Production of 150-passenger and 350-passenger ferries for NYC Ferry is ongoing.