全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    其他特性 高速
    长度 71.6 m (234'10")
    乘客人数 250 unit


这条筏轮渡由Derecktor的出价的奈格尔Gee同事设计在阿拉斯加海洋高速公路系统项目。 它被设计是使费用减到最小,并且可能协调与现有的AMHS船坞和码头旁边设施的一艘安全,高速RO/RO客船。 可能搭载250位乘客主甲板和30辆大车的用于阿拉斯加主要的,类型,货物甲板的以35个结的连续的规定值服务速度和以巨大舒适由海洋状况6.决定。

供给动力由四柴油引擎和四水注,这73m筏在41m M/V飞行云彩使用被使用的奈格尔Gee船型的geosym,显示提供这大小所有高速轮渡最高的运输效率。 坦克测试一个完整集被执行了,显示非常低苏醒洗涤特征。

主甲板有150位乘客的内部就座在小吃店区域midship的观察休息室fwd和104与航空公司类型斜倚的位子混合物和桌安排。 进一步就座在被找出的外部日光浴室提供在船尾。 完全ADA服从被保证在船中。 电子游戏的热忱的区域和工作或者研究和一家服务周到小吃店完成在机上膳宿。 噪声级在75在船内部中的dBA以下。 直升机提取区域位于顶面甲板。


This catamaran ferry was designed by Nigel Gee Associates for Derecktor’s bid on the Alaska Marine Highway System Project. It is designed to be a safe, high-speed RO/RO passenger ferry that minimizes costs and can interface with existing AMHS docks and pier side facilities. It can carry 250 passengers on the main deck and 30 large vehicles, of the type mostly used in Alaska, on the cargo deck at a continuous- rating service speed of 35 knots and with great comfort up to sea state 6.

Powered by four diesel engines and four water jets, this 73m catamaran uses a geosym of the Nigel Gee hull form employed in the 41m M/V Flying Cloud, which has been shown to provide the highest transport efficiency of any high-speed ferry of this size. A complete set of tank tests has been carried out, showing very low wake wash characteristics.

The main deck has interior seating for 150 passengers in the observation lounge fwd and 104 in the snack bar area midship with a mixture of airline type reclining seats and table arrangements. Further seating is provided in the exterior solarium located aft. Full ADA compliance is guaranteed throughout the vessel. Dedicated areas for video games and work/study and a full service snack bar complete the onboard accommodations. Noise levels are below 75 dBA throughout the vessel interior. A helicopter pick-up area is located on the top deck.