全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    材料 铝制
    其他特性 水翼艇
    长度x宽度 87'00" (26.52 m)x32'00" (9.8 m)
    速度 30 kt
    乘客人数 150 unit


全美海事公司(AAM)已经为Major Marine Tours公司交付了Spirit of Matushka & Skana,这是两艘150人的水翼辅助双体船。这两艘船将在阿拉斯加的苏厄德(Seward)运营,并将搭载乘客参观基奈峡湾国家公园的野生动物之旅。这些87'(LOA)x 32 "的Teknicraft铝制双体船,经过USCG Subchapter T认证。

这些船的半排水双体船体是由新西兰奥克兰Teknicraft设计公司的Nic de Waal开发的。 该设计整合了Teknicraft标志性的对称和不对称组合船体形状、船首穿浪器和创新的水翼系统。 这种先进的船体形状是利用数字建模和计算流体力学(CFD)分析定制设计的。 船体设计辅以Teknicraft标志性的集成穿浪器,该穿浪器位于双体船的赞助者之间,以打破波浪作用,确保减少阻力,同时提高乘客的舒适度。 该船的设计为所有乘客提供了平稳的旅程和舒适性,因为船体在遇到波浪时提供了缓冲的效果。这些船只包括Hamilton Jet AVX控制装置,其特点是使用直观的Mouseboat控制器,以及JetAnchor和Station Keeping模式。对于操作者来说,这些船最有价值的特点之一是出色的燃油经济性,在满载的情况下,在20节至30节的巡航速度范围内,每海里的消耗量大致相同。这种节油设计的燃料容量为1200加仑,将由一个固定的铝制水翼辅助,提高其在高速下的速度和稳定性。


All American Marine (AAM) has delivered Spirit of Matushka & Skana, twin 150-passenger hydrofoil-assisted catamarans for Major Marine Tours. The vessels will operate out of Seward, Alaska, and will carry passengers on wildlife tours visiting Kenai Fjords National Park. These 87’ (LOA) x 32” Teknicraft Aluminum catamarans, are certified USCG Subchapter T.

The semi-displacement catamaran hull for these vessels was developed by Nic de Waal of Teknicraft Design in Auckland, New Zealand. The design integrates the signature Teknicraft symmetrical and asymmetrical combined hull shape, bow wave piercer, and innovative hydrofoil system. This advanced hull shape was custom designed using digital modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. The hull design is complemented by Teknicraft’s signature integration of a wave piercer that is positioned between the catamaran sponsons to break up wave action and ensure reduced drag while enhancing passenger comfort. The vessel’s design offers all passengers a smooth ride and comfort as the hull provides a cushioned effect when encountering waves. These vessels include Hamilton Jet AVX controls which boast features such as the use of an intuitive Mouseboat controller as well as JetAnchor and Station Keeping modes. For the operator, one of the most valuable features of these vessels is the excellent fuel economy, consuming approximately the same gallons per nautical mile throughout the cruising speed range of 20 knots up to 30 knots, when fully laden. With a fuel capacity of 1200 gallons, this fuel-efficient design will be assisted by a fixed aluminum hydrofoil, enhancing its speed and stability at high speeds.