全国: | 上海:
    类型 开底泥驳
    长度 最多: 117 m (383'10")
    长度 最少: 50 m (164'00")
    TPL 最多: 10,800 t (11,905 us ton)
    TPL 最少: 900 t (992 us ton)


我们的海海分式料斗驳船设计用于运载各种疏浚材料,分式料斗驳船是一个单甲板船,中间有料斗和钢船体,沿着中心平面打开。 拆分式料斗驳船能够从疏浚中吸收,用水下管道回填沟渠,破坏运输和卸载到水下倾倒站,浮动技术设施系统用于水下管道埋葬和海上疏浚,用于海洋工程的多用途船舶和 潜水活动, 海滩补给和海岸, 管道保护项目.

拆分式料斗驳船是一艘疏浚船,可在其纵轴上拆分以卸货物。 允许这样的操作; 驳船由两个半壳组成,它们由顶部的铰链和底部的液压缸连接。 任何作用在半船体之间接口的力都必须由铰链和气缸转移。 对于驳船的可操作性,假定铰链和液压缸的设计限值是管辖的。


Our Seagoing Split Hopper Barge designed to carry all kind of dredged materials, The split hopper barge is a single deck vessel with the hopper in the middle and a steel hull, which opens along the center plane. Split hopper barge capable of Spoil up-take from the dredge, Backfilling of trenches with underwater pipelines, Spoil transport and offloading to underwater dump sited, System of floating technical facilities for underwater pipeline burial and offshore dredging, the Multipurpose vessel for marine engineering and diving activities, beach replenishment and coast, pipeline protection projects.

A split hopper barge is a dredging vessel that can split over its longitudinal axis to discharge its cargo. Allow for such an operation; the barge consists of two half-hulls that are connected by hinges at the top and hydraulic cylinders at the bottom. Any forces that act at the interface between the half-hulls have to be transferred by the hinges and cylinders. For the workability of the barge, the design limits of the hinges and hydraulic cylinders are assumed to be governing.