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TØNSBERG 是世界上最大的 RO/RO 船,由 MHI 集团为挪威航运公司威廉森集团和瑞典航运公司瓦伦纽斯集团建造。

TØNSBERG 是客户在 2011 年 3 月在长崎造船厂和机械工厂完成的四船订单中的第一个订单。 该船因其高运输效率和卓越的环保性能,荣获日本海军建筑师海洋工程师协会赞助的 “2011 年度船舶” 奖。 自 1990 年我们的水晶和谐游轮荣获年度最佳船舶奖以来,MHI 集团已多次为其商船赢得该奖项,而 TØNSBERG 是第六次。


TØNSBERG is the world’s largest RO/RO ship, built by MHI Group for the Wilhelmsen Group, a Norwegian shipping company, and the Wallenius Group, a Swedish shipping company.

TØNSBERG was the first of a four-ship order from the clients, completed at the Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works in March 2011. The ship was awarded the ”Ship of the Year 2011” award sponsored by the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, for its high transportation efficiency and excellent environmental performance. Since winning the first Ship of the Year award for our Crystal Harmony cruise ship in 1990, MHI Group has won the award numerous times for its merchant ships, with TØNSBERG being the sixth time.

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